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water quality critical areas and conveying a willingness to have further discussions on water and <br />sewer issues. Attachment 4 contains copies of both of these letters. <br />Planning Board Recommendation <br />The Planning Board considered the proposed amendments at its March and April meetings. <br />The Planning Board voted to recommend approval of the amendments. Attachment 5 <br />contains a summary of the Planning Board's actions and the minutes of the meetings. <br />Additional Attachments <br />Attachments 6 through 10 contain additional information the BOCC may wish to consider in its <br />decision making process. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff time to research, write, coordinate, and map the amendments and <br />guide them through the adoption process has been significant and has been accomplished <br />using existing Planning staff. Additionally, the required notifications resulted in the expenditure <br />of $3,645 plus materials (paper, printing, labels, envelopes). Funds to implement Small Area <br />Plans, which includes these amendments, were included in the FY 2009 -10 Budget. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: The Administration recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation and close the Public Hearing. <br />2. Discuss the amendments further, if required. <br />3. Take action on the proposed amendments as shown in Attachments 1 and 2. <br />