Orange County NC Website
the supplemental funds will notify eligible users of the service about the availability of the funds. Be speciFc. <br />Public forums, meetings at senior centers, newspaper, televisim~, brochures, and commm~ity events will <br />provide information to residents about the services. <br />4 Describe in detail efforts made to reach out to the conununity to make them aware of the additional ftmding and <br />to identify service needs beyond those currently provided with the formula allocation. Information is provided <br />in the monthly billing statements, public fm•ums, newspaper, television, etc. <br />5 If the county received supplemental ROAP funds in FY07, identify the estimated amount of fiords for each <br />program that will be expended by June 30, 2007. $73,076 additional fw~ds would be utilized within the yem•. <br />