Orange County NC Website
Appendix F <br />Eligible TransportatioD Assistance Expenses <br />TI'II} Based Ser'VlCes -Trips mny be provided by car/vanpool, taxi, public transit vehicle, private transit <br />vehicle, agency vehicle or mileage reimbursenrenl to a volunteer. The most cost-effective option should be <br />chosen. Public /Privn[e transportation providers shall be reimbursed based on the fully allocated cost per <br />mile, per hour, or per passenger trip. Volunteers can be reimbursed for mileage only. If a human service <br />agency uses an agency vehicle [o provide the trip, the agency nuisl include the fully allocated cost of fl Trip <br />in their reimbursement request including fuel, stafftime and benefits, depreciation, vehicle insurance and <br />licensing. <br />'IYip Pm~pase ED'fAP NCDOT Ei\IP RGP <br />Personal care, non-emergency <br />medical appointments, pharmacy <br />pickup, shopping, bill pa}'ing, Yes NO Yes <br />public hearings, committee <br />meetings, classes, banking, etc. <br />Job fair attendance,job readiness yes Yes Yes <br />activities or training <br />Transportation to workplace <br />(trip nnis[ be scheduled by dte Yes Yes Yes <br />individual passenger) ' <br />Child(ren) of working Porent NO Yes Yes <br />transported to Child Care <br />Group field trips/tours to NO NO NO <br />community special events <br />Overnight trips to out-of-county NO NO NO <br />destinations <br />Human Service Agency yes NO Yes <br />appointments <br />Otllef SCI'ViCes - hrcludes expenses incurred transporting a passenger [o n destination without using a <br />public Transit system, private transit or flgency vehicle. <br />Other Services EDTAP NCDO'I'E~1P RGP <br />Pael (gas voucher, gas card, Yes 1'es Yes <br />reimbursement to fuel provider) <br />Maintenance Repnirs to personal NO 1'es NO <br />cars (must owgthc car). <br />Personal car insurance <br />I lime payment that emr cover NO Yes NO <br />needs up to 3 months. <br />16 <br />