Orange County NC Website
Appendix D <br />Documeutatimt of Outreach Effm~ts <br />Provide a detailed description of outreach meetings and other efforts (including date, time, and location) <br />held within the transportation service to be served with FY 07-08 ROAP funds. Oatreach efforts must be <br />cmrducted and documented by the applicant as to how [he public and populations being served includim <br />mimority, women, elderly, disabled, Limited English Proficiency jLEPI low income and non human <br />service individuals) were informed about the availability of funds and the public hearing on the ROAP <br />grant. <br />Public meetings held at hvo Senior Centers in June to request information regarding additional <br />transportation assistance. Housing Authority and Social Services both contacted and given information <br />regarding the use of ROAD fonds. Advertisement in local newspaper and information shared on the <br />county web-site. Also, share information through other transit systems web-sites. <br />13 <br />