Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Commissioner Walked noted, in agreement with Commissioner Whitted the need <br /> to wait for the task force report and then go to referendum. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit noted that some in-depth studies need to be made of <br /> sales tax as an additional revenue source for Orange County. <br /> Max Kennedy, Chair of the County Board of Education, suggested this issue <br /> be placed on the ballot with municipal elections in November and not at the <br /> spring primary because at that time it will become a part of other political <br /> issues. <br /> In response to Mr. Kennedy's concern, Commissioner Whitted stated that <br /> there is a need for the public to be educated in regards to understanding the <br /> tax and the needs; if the November vote is defeated, then a five year waiting <br /> period is mandated before another vote can be held. <br /> Commissioner Whitted suggested he would draft a response to those who have <br /> been in communication with the Board --raising some points of interest <br /> mentioned -- and distribute copies of that response to the Board. <br /> D-3 Audit <br /> Comprehensive annual financial reports and the management letter to the <br /> year end of June 30, 1983 were distributed. Wallace Harding, Finance Director, <br /> and representatives of Touche Ross and Company were present for questions. A <br /> representative of Touche Ross and Company noted that of 100 counties, 278 <br /> municipalities and 143 school districts in North Carolina, fifteen areas of <br /> North Carolina were listed in the MFOA newsletter as areas that received the <br /> Certificate of Conformance. Orange County is on this list which is a <br /> significant achievement. <br /> D-4 Fuhlig Defe era Office(see page of this book) <br /> Mr. Kirk Osborn stated that the space for the Public Defenders Office <br /> should be located in Chapel Hill, because there is a need for a place that is <br /> centrally located. He asked that alternative #1 be ruled out completely. <br /> Bob Mahler noted that in order to do an effective job for defenders (with <br /> at least 150 cases at any given time) , there is a need for ready access; 70% <br /> of the indigent clients are in the Chapel Hill area, making it difficult to <br /> provide for transportation to Hillsborough. <br /> County Manager, Ken Thompson noted that Chatham County is not interested in <br /> contributing any rental space for the Public Defenders Office as there is space <br /> obligated for court personnel in their renovated courthouse. <br /> Commissioner Marshall stated that she has a problem with using the old <br /> Police Building unrenovated or renovated. Throwing good money after bad. She <br /> also noted that the Public Defenders Office should work with the Commissioners <br /> of Chatham County regarding space because Chatham County is involved. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker to use the Old <br /> Police Building with renovations. VOTE: Ayes, 4; Noes, l (Commissioner <br /> Marshall) . <br /> D-5 Qrading S'oxact (see page for this contract) <br /> There is consideration to award the landfill reclamation contract <br /> (clearing, grading, creek channelization and seeding) for Northern Fairview <br /> Neighborhood Park. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker to award $150,415 <br /> (not to include $13,525 for Public Works road repairs) to the Bob Glover <br /> Grading Company, as recommended by Ken Thompson. VOTE: Ayes, 4; Noes, l <br /> (Commissioner Willhoit) . <br /> D-6 Housjac�$ea];rat;n.,_ rgAtract (see page for this contract) <br /> Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Whitted to accept the <br />