Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 32 and asked about the revisions for the <br /> West Ten Soccer Complex. Donna Coffey said that she emailed these to the County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that there are three different projects related to this question <br /> about transfers of Homestead Aquatic Center budget to other items. She said that there were <br /> two other items that should have an asterisk to flag those items, and these are on page 39 and <br /> page 42. She said that Chapel Hill did not need aquatic center funding as soon as thought, so <br /> it was assigned to other projects in the tune of a little over$3 million. The problem is when this <br /> money comes back. She thinks that all of the projects that have the assignment"Transfer from <br /> Homestead Aquatics Center Project' should be transferred back. She said that it is extremely <br /> confusing. <br /> Also, on page 39, the Northern Park project, and page 42, Greenway Development <br /> Reserve, there are transfers. She suggested putting asterisks to flag the items or transferring <br /> the money back. <br /> Donna Coffey said that these are transfers from a previously approved project. She <br /> suggested putting asterisks that these are from 2001 bond funds. She said that she could work <br /> with Commissioner Gordon this summer to clarify these issues. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. North Carolina Department of Transportation. Rural Operating Assistance <br /> Program (ROAP) and Supplemental ROAP Grant Application for FY 2007/2008 <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing for the NCDOT Rural Operating Assistance <br /> Program (ROAP) and considered approving the annual FY 2007-2008 ROAP grant application <br /> including supplemental request and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Jerry Passmore made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Public Hearing.June 26, 2007 <br /> Rural Operating Assistance Program Application for FY2007-08 <br /> ROAR <br /> Important Features <br /> 1.NC Dept. of Transportation designates annually ROAP funds to the lead county transit <br /> agency. <br /> 2.In Orange County the funds are designated to the Orange County Public Transportation <br /> (OPT), a division of the Dept. on Aging. <br /> 3.ROAP application combines three local transit funds: <br /> Elderly& Disabled Trans. Assistance Program (EDTAP) <br /> Work First Transitional/Employment Trans. Assistance <br /> Rural General Public Assistance (GRP) <br /> 4. ROAP requires no local match. Rural General <br /> ROAP <br /> Program Description <br /> Orange Co- provides for all Medical and one personal shopping/business round trip per <br /> week with no access to public routes. Co-pay$3.00 per trip. <br /> 2.Employment Transportation Assist low income persons (200% of Poverty) & not Work First <br /> eligible. <br />