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cover the operating costs associated with an increase in caseload during this fiscal year. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these additional funds for the above <br />stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column #12) <br />Efland Sewer Enterprise Fund <br />13.The FY 2006-07 original budget for the Efland Sewer Enterprise Fund totaled $160,000, <br />which included a fund balance appropriation from the General Fund of $100,000. It is <br />projected that sewer charges will surpass budgeted revenues and are expected to <br />exceed the original budget by $3,500 by year-end, bringing the total revenues to $63,500 <br />for the fiscal year. On the other hand, year-end expenditures are expected to exceed the <br />original budget by approximately $10,300. In order for the fund not to be over budget at <br />year-end, this budget amendment provides for the receipt of the additional sewer <br />charges of $3,500, and an appropriation of $6,800 from savings in the Governing and <br />Management function of the FY 2006-07 General Fund budget. (See Attachment 1, <br />column #13) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget, school and county capital project ordinance amendments. <br />