Minutes - 19830523
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19830523
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4/24/2017 9:31:37 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:37:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 05-23-1983
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1980's\1983
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4I# <br /> 5 <br /> materials previously submitted as evidence and that if it is considered <br /> applicable to the discussion it can be considered evidence. <br /> Ed Johnson indicated he had consulted a tree book on the average heights of <br /> trees common to the area. Although he did not survey actual tree heights <br /> around the site, the terrain slopes downward off the southern end and is flat <br /> and wooded at the northern end. He displayed a drawing showing the <br /> relationship between the height of a tree and the approach departure slope. <br /> Given a 100 foot tall tree, Johnson maintained the area out 2000 feet must be <br /> controlled for the heights of objects. <br /> Johnson cited the letter from the Manager to Bruce Matthews dated February <br /> 19, 1982, stating "objective. . . if public takeover is necessary. . . federal <br /> funds for the purpose." He also cited a January 26, 1982 letter from Bruce <br /> Matthews regarding requirements in which he advises the more stringent <br /> requiremens in case of federal funding or a conversion to instrument approach. <br /> He also cited the March 5, 1982 letter from Howard Robinson. <br /> Johnson continued, citing a letter from George Warren, FAA Airport District <br /> Office, Georgia, dated December 11, 1980, in which Warren indicates that the <br /> plan submitted were agreeable but that the comments expire in 1982 if the <br /> airport has not been constructed by that time. A letter from Leon Harrison <br /> dated November 20, 1980, indicates the determination expires in two years if <br /> the airport is not in operation by that time. Johnson asked if these permits <br /> had been regranted. <br /> Johnson expressed concern about whether Buck Mountain can do what it says <br /> it can do and the consequences of achieving or not achieving their objective. <br /> Johnson discussed the costs of constructing and operating Midway Airport, <br /> suggesting that the cost would be $1.5 million spread over the proposed <br /> hangars, resulting in the creation of condominium hangars at the cost of <br /> . $20,000 each. He felt it was appropriate to ask if this was financially viable <br /> and what would be the county response to failure of the private operation. <br /> Gordon asked if fire services can be provided at an adequate level via NC <br /> 54 and if the road miles involved exceed four miles. <br /> Ed Johnson: No, the department could send one tanker and call for mutual <br /> aid. If Teer Road access can be used it permits the dispatch of more than one <br /> piece of equipment and mutual aid as well. <br /> Alice Gordon inquired if the request for fire access cannot be granted must <br /> the request for modification be denied. Rick Cannity responded that the Board <br /> of Commissioners must decide if the information supplied indicates that <br /> adequate fire protection is available. Gordon asked Johnson if the fire access <br /> recommended was necessary for the permit to be granted. Johnson replied tht it <br /> was a matter of the degree of protection desired and that the Teer Road Access <br /> would provide better protection. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit inquired about the Meadowcrest access. Johnson <br /> indicated it would come off of Teer Road and extend 1/10 of a mile. <br /> Commissioner Whitted asked if it was an all weather road. Johnson did not <br /> know. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit indicated, based on the evidence, a fire access <br /> longer than four miles might not enjoy a lower rating for fire insurance. <br /> Ed Johnson indicated tht Horace Williams does not allow touch and go <br /> landings for safety and noise reasons and that there also was a risk of <br /> accidents with these operations, especially with a shortened runway. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit asked if any additional equipment would be needed if <br /> the only fire access was via NC 54. Ed Johnson indicated probably yes, but he <br /> 1-hc Rn=rA of nirwf-+Arq. 9P a1Rn indicated that the <br />
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