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1' 378 <br /> 2. <br /> 3• <br /> 4. 5. FARMLAND PRESERVATION <br /> s, Ms. Smith and Ms. Elizabeth Walters, Agri.cul.tural. •Task Force <br /> 6, Implemental Committee Chair, said these recommendations had been <br /> 7, reviewed and no changes were suggested. <br /> 8. Mr. Peter Kramer,.. Route 1, 121-A Eno Township (border of' Little <br /> 9. River Township) , spoke in favor of the Board of Commissioners adopting <br /> 10. the recommendations as presented by the Ag. Task Force Implementation <br /> 11, Committee. He cited the development pressures from Durham for his <br /> 12, area and said that Orange County.was the first in the State with these <br /> 13, measures. He feels it is necessary to preserve and protect the char- <br /> 14, acter of the County and the farms. <br /> 15. Dr. Irvin said the Planning Board had taken no formal action on <br /> 16, the recommendations because it didn 't know it was supposed to do so. <br /> 17, However, he added, there were no objections to the recommendations and <br /> 18. formal action could be taken at the Planning Board meeting on May 16th. <br /> 19, Commissioner Marshall said the Ag. Task Force Implementation <br /> 20, Committee also wished to know if the Commissioners wished any further <br /> 21,.effort from them. or if it wished to dissolve the Committee. <br /> 22. Commissioner Lloyd said he had two concerns regarding the recom- <br /> 23, mendations: 1) the ten/twenty year commitpent; and, 2) adherence to <br /> 24, soil conservation- practices. He said he'd like those two concerns <br /> 25. addressed. <br /> 26. Ms. Smith replied that the Committee had reconsidered those two <br /> 27, items at Commissioner Lloyd's request twice already and the Committee <br /> 28. had not changed the recommendations. Commissioner Whitted said the <br /> 29, information on the Ag. Task Force Recommendations had been well <br /> 30. disseminated and there was no need for the Committee to reconsider these <br /> 31- issues; however, the Planning Board recommendation is needed now. <br /> 32. This is to be returned to the May 23rd agenda with the Planning Board 's <br /> 33. recommendat ion. Further, the Ag. Task Force Implementation Committee <br /> 34. wi11 be dissolved at that time. <br /> 35. 7. BRIGADOON PETITION <br /> 36, Ms. Smith provided the background information on this petition. <br /> 37. (Petition is attached to and part of these Minutes on pages of <br /> 38- this book. See abstract on page of this book for specifics. ) <br /> 39. <br /> 140. <br />