ORD-2007-017 - Sedimentation and Erosion Control Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2007-017 - Sedimentation and Erosion Control Ordinance
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Last modified
4/28/2011 1:25:36 PM
Creation date
5/20/2010 2:32:05 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Orange County SE & SC Ordinance Sep"^--'~°~„~.-;a-~~ ,"^'Seotember 12.201)6 <br />Discharge Point -means that point or points at which runoff leaves a tract of land. <br />District -means the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District created pursuant to <br />Chapter 139, North Carolina General Statutes. <br />Diversion - a channel or a ridge or combination thereof which is constructed across <br />sloping land either on the contour or at apre-determined grade. Its purpose is to intercept <br />and divert surface runoff before it gains sufficient volume and velocity to cause erosion <br />and convey the surface runoff to a protected area. <br />Energy Dissipator - means a structure or a shaped channel section with mechanical <br />armoring placed at the outlet of pipes or conduits to receive and break down the energy <br />from high velocity flow. <br />Erosion -means the wearing away of land surface by the action of wind, water, gravity, <br />or any combination thereof. <br />Ground Cover -means any natural vegetative growth or other material which renders the <br />soil surface stable against accelerated erosion. <br />Grouudfvater Recharge -the infiltration of water into the earth. It may increase the total <br />amount of water stored underground or only replenish supplies depleted through pumping <br />or natural discharge. <br />High Quality Waters -means those classified as such in 15ANCAC 2B.0101(e) (5) - <br />General Procedures, which is incorporated herein by reference to include further <br />amendments pursuant to G.S. 150B-14(c). <br />Explanatory Note: The complete official definition of High Quality Waters <br />is contained in 15A NCAC 2B.0101(e) (S) -General Procedures. In <br />general, High Quality Waters are defined by the Division of Environmental <br />Management as those waters x"hich are: those rated as excellent based on <br />biological and physical/chemical characteristics; native trout waters; <br />primary or functional nursery areas; critical habitat areas; all water <br />supply watersheds which are either classified as WS-I or WS-II or those for <br />which a formal petition for reclassification as WS-I or WS-II has been <br />received by the Division of Environmental Management; and all Class SA <br />(shellfish) waters. <br />High Quality Water (HQW) zones -means areas in the Coastal Counties that are within <br />575 feet of High Quality Waters and for the remainder of the state areas that are within <br />one mile and drain to HQW's. <br />Impervious Structure - is any structure which prevents free seepage of rainwater into the <br />ground, including but not limited to buildings, paved roads, paved parking lots, airport <br />runways, etc. <br />
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