Orange County NC Website
\darch 30, ?007 <br />Pane 2 <br />U rachnu~nts ro be completed, signed, :uxi returned include the following: <br />a (i:riiticrtion of platchingShare (.Attadnnent P.) <br />• ~t,rtcmcnt r~f>yo Orerduc'C;r~ Debts (_Attachment 1'} <br />Grantee's Afhrmatien of Receipt oF'Fifle G'I, Section SOT. Nondiscrimination lnformxtion <br />Pnsrer ('Attachment 1-[). "11me ftqual Opporhrnity poster is enclosed. <br />• I~edrral Certitivation Ret;.trding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility \tattcrs, <br />Dm~-Tree \\'orkplace Kegwrements, armd l,e~bbying (atrtvhment it <br />• :lssurances -Non-Consmrction Programs (-Attachment <br />Bold the Grantee's Procurement Statement (.Attachment K~ and the Pederil Certification Regarding <br />Debarment fnr lower Tier (for the selected project consultant) (Attachment T) for completion and <br />suhrnirta] ro the HI'O grants super isor after the count}> procures and selects a consultant for the <br />project. <br /> <br />No gr:rrmt xrtiwities may take place until the Grant Contras t has been signed by the Office of ,'lrchives <br />and 1 fistory. The county must follow federal and state procurement procedures to select a project <br />consultant. No activities may be performed by a project eonsult~nt uneil the county and the consultant <br />hat-e si},mcd a hvo-party> Project Description and Contract.'11me HPO will prepue the Project <br />Description avid Contract, using an approved template, in consultation kith the county acrd the <br />consultant. <br />`the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) project specialist assigrmed to the project will be in touch with <br />}°pu soon m assist with procurement of the consultumt.'Clme Office of Archives and History's armd <br />OS,4's role in the grant project, which is set forth in the Grrrrt Contract includes guiding the project <br />activities, reviewing and approving the products, arxi approving payments to the consultant. <br />Due to federal deadlines for spending 2007 I1P[~ funds, all pro ect activities must be satisfactorih~ <br />vommission's final accounti~ must be submitted to the HPO by September 30. 2008, with no option <br />to extend. <br />'thank you For participating in the North Carolina historic presen•ation program. \fy staff and I look <br />forward to working with you through the successful conmpletion of your project. <br />Sincerely, <br />)eF rey J. <.rc.~ <br />State Hisronc Presen•ation Officer <br />ci:: Secretary l.isl-~eth C. Evans <br />David I3n,ok. Director, Division of 1 listoriril Resources <br />Pcter Sandbeck, Deputy Srtte I listoric Preservation OCticer <br />Melinda Coleman, Grants Supcn isor, State 1 listoric Presen~atiun Office <br />acre C(a#,~;eti, State 9rchaeolo};ist. Office of Srmte -An:haeologr <br />(:ncl~ sures <br />