Orange County NC Website
~~a ~,a Srr`TF~ <br />3yd +v°~ <br />ter > <br />~~ ~ , <br />4 K ~% b <br />''AA V~ ~b~y~:-aAi~~ <br />North Carolina Department of Cultural Resottrces <br />61id,ael F. P,asley, Govemur <br />Lishclh C livans, Secrelarv <br />C:hristint \4ontt <br />I listoric Resources Speci:ilist <br />Orange County <br />306 F Revere Road <br />l lillsborough. NC 27375 <br />March 30, 3007 <br />0 <br />Office of Archivos and Hislnn• <br />Jeffrey I. Crow, Uepuly Secrelaq~ <br />Re: Hollow hock Access area/New Hope Preserve Phase I Cultural and rlrchaeologic;il Resources <br />Surae~• <br />Dear \fs. lfnon: <br />I am pleased to inform you that your applicttion Eor a FY 2007 I listoric Presen ation Pund (}1PI~ <br />grant for the project referenced above has been selected for funding, contingent upon federal <br />appotvotnncnt and release of FY 2007 HPF funds to the State of-North Gtrolina. \~~e anticipate full <br />apportionment and release in :\plil. <br />The HPF is ,t federal progrant administered br the Nationail Park Sen•icc, United States Department <br />of dte Interior. HPF grants Eor local projects are made available to local governments, non-profit <br />organizations, and educational institutions through khe State Historic Preservation OEhce (HPO), <br />Division of 1 Iismrical Resources, Office of Archives and Hisroty, North Carolina Dcparmtent of <br />Cultural Resources. <br />I [PF grutt :nvards for loc;il projects in 2007 total 368,600. Funded projects include an archaeological <br />investigation, architectural sunk}' updates, National Register historic district nominations, the <br />preparation of local preservation commissicm design guidelines, and restoration of a National Register <br />listed cemetery. <br />The enclosed Grant Project Oudine attd Budget (.Attachment C to dte Gr;utt Contract) is based on <br />your grant application and the agreed upon incre;tse in district sire and hording and provides a brief <br />summary of anticipated activities and costs mlated to the project 'Po indicate Orange Couute's <br />acceptance of the grant with its related conditions, please have the appropriate count}- official sib t <br />both copies of the Grant Contract, complete and sign the attachments listed below, and <br />return them along with the coutxty's conflict of irrterest policy (see Grant Contract, Section 6} <br />rna <br />h A 30, 2007, to A~felinda Coleman, GI"ants Supen-isor, Sla[e. Historic Preservation Office, d61 <br />\iail Sereice Center, Raleigh, AC 27699--1617. AIs. Coleman may be cnntacied by relephrme .tt 9 t9- <br />i3-x763 ~3it1 or by email at mclinda.c.a>Icman( <br />13AtL1NC; ADL`K1iSs3 LOCi~'71GN <br />-!at(1 ~1.~i1 F~rc9~rCsL•:r i~•lrnc~nc 4t 4;1)i-?J?0 If4 F.isl jcmay 5trer-! <br />Rr,tgiy,L, Ni- '~7,~;~ur;tn Fax `tlu-733-ShU? Raleigh, NC ??Cd1I <br />