Orange County NC Website
~~t~~ado7..~y~ <br />~' <br />The Board approved, and authorized the Chair to sign, the applications for Public School <br />building Capital Funds and NC Education Lottery Proceeds, for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />and Orange County Schools' share of debt service payment related to construction of Rashkis <br />Elementary, Scroggs Elementary, Carrboro High, Cedar Ridge High, and Gravelly Middle <br />schools. <br />i. Budget Amendment #12 <br />The Board approved budget and school capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year <br />2006-07 for Department of Social Services, Emergency Management Services, Non- <br />Departmental, Public Works, Reserves and Operational Savings Distribution, Reserve for <br />Senior Center Operations, Orange County School Capital Projects, and Library Services. <br />is Bid Award: West Ten Soccer Field Construction and Irri ation Pro'ect <br />The Board awarded a bid to Carolina Green Corporation for field construction and irrigation <br />improvements at the West Ten Soccer Complex for an amount not to exceed $539,400; and <br />authorized the Purchasing Director to execute paperwork as may be required. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Public Hearings-NONE <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />a. Adoption of the Orange Countv Master Agina Plan• 2007 2011 <br />The Board considered reviewing, modifying, and adopting the Orange County Master <br />Aging Plan (MAP) update covering the period 2007-2011 that was presented to the BOCC on <br />May 3, 2007. <br />Pat Sprigg, Co-Chair of the Master Aging Pian Work Group, said that the work group <br />was before the Board on May 3 at which time 18 months of work was presented. Tonight the <br />task force is asking for approval of this plan. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board received the report at the last meeting. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that the plan was extraordinarily thorough. He said that later <br />in this meeting, the Board will have!a report on housing. He is concerned about housing costs <br />throughout Orange County, and especially those on fixed incomes. He wants to put a plug in <br />for affordable housing. He said that the least expensive house on the market in Chapel Hili is <br />$450,000. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked all who worked on the MAP and he wants to make sure <br />to recognize Co-Chair Florence Soitys. He said that Orange County has a dedicated group of <br />seniors. He and Commissioner Gordon served as representatives of the Board of County <br />Commissioners on the Steering Committee. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />adopt the Orange County Master Aging Pian (MAP) update covering the period 2007-2011 that <br />was presented to the BOCC on May 3, 2007. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Allocation of 2001 Countv Parks Bond Funds to Southern Community Park <br />The Board considered appropriating $925,000 from the 2001 County Parks and Open <br />Space Bond to the Town of Chapel Hill's Southern Community Park for the construction of three <br />soccer fields. <br />Dave Stancii said that Orange County has a long history of supporting this park in <br />Chapel Hill financially. In the 1997 Parks and Open Space Bond, the County appropriated $1 <br />million. In the 2001 Parks and Open Space Bond, the County also provided an additional $2 <br />million for Southern Community Park. The Town has received construction bids for the project <br />