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6 <br /> 1. 3 4 <br /> 2. <br /> 3• <br /> He said most of that was going to the Midwest. Commissioner Walker <br /> 5.• asked Mr. Cox if he thought it was right to lock farmers into a cer- <br /> 6, tain use for their land when they might want to use it for some- <br /> 7. thing else. Mr. Cox said his understanding was that the program <br /> was voluntary. <br /> • A man later identified as Joe Phelps asked who were the members <br /> 9. <br /> lo. of the Agricultural Task Force Implementation Committee. Ms. Smith <br /> 11, named those; she further recited the notices given for the meetings <br /> 12, and the percentage of participation in the meetings. Mr. Phelps <br /> 13, asked if all people had input. Ms. Smith replied that as many far- <br /> 14. mers as possible .wexe involved in this process. Mr. Phelps said <br /> 15, he was the President of the Farmer's Bureau and he'd had no-noti- <br /> 16. fication of these meetings. Ms. Smith said two letters had been <br /> 17. sent to the Farmers' Bureau over the past three months.and said <br /> 18. she would get copies of those letters for him. <br /> 19. Commissioner Lloyd asked the definition of "critical areas:" <br /> -- 20. Mr. Bob Tennant, Soil. Conservation Division, said that this <br /> 21. is "that area that takes above normal practices to bring under <br /> 22. control . For example, steep banks, any area where there is severe <br /> 23. loss of soil ." <br /> 24. Mr. Tennant added that 24 tons soil lost per acre was considered <br /> 25, critical ; the average was 18 tons/acre/year. <br /> 26. Commissioner Lloyd protested the length of the sign up in the <br /> 2 7e program and strict adherence to soil conservation practices as cri- <br /> 28. teria for participation. He requested that these two requirements <br /> 29. be deleted. <br /> 30. Mr. Carl Walters, a member of the Implementation Committee and <br /> 31, a farmer, read a list of Farmers' Bureau members who were also mem- <br /> 32• bers of his Committee. He also noted that the length of the sign <br /> 33• up was to discourage someone from just investing in a "holding <br /> 34, pattern. " It will not discourage the serious farmer; he noted also <br /> 35. there was a payback clause for only partial participation in the pro- <br /> 36 9 gram. <br /> 37. Planning Board member Irvin: Said the time of participation had <br /> 38• been discussed at length. He said as many farmers as possible should <br /> 39. <br /> 40. <br />