Orange County NC Website
10 <br />r~.~.~~~f 7hr~~~- <br />ssos2530 fACE ~48q p. <br />SxaiseTaxrS C~e~ ~fr ~t,q~*e~ (n°f®2~V+~r.`[~a~ <br />Mali atterrewrd(nSto:Timber(dgaRenlals,LT.C, t27 Atmemwood Odvo, Chapel HiU, 1<V; 27516 <br />Thfs iashumentwespceparrA byry:+Rye~ula3.sMAaysyfckrt,JYr.,yArl~MYmrey adtlL~ryafwp,~rP~lttuyb~oroA,iaCaElb nth RTA+R, H~ pe <br />LV®RdS'A a.nA~4J)JJtI\kl llrFilV.l+iF tP~ Y9 t'R.[LLil~1R2 Z R~~iF,3J <br />THIS DBBD, mado this,~~ay of MaroU, 2002 between VARNON P. DAViS and witb, BARBARA S, DAMS, <br />horelnafter referxad to as GRANTOR; and TIMBHRIBGII RENTALS, LLC, herainafier refereed to as GRANTBB. Tho <br />designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall inotude parses, their hoin:, successors, and assigns, end shalt include <br />singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by contoxt. <br />WiTNHSSBTH <br />The Grantor, for a valuable conaldsmtion paid by the Grante~,lho receipt of wfitofi ie hereby acknowledged, has <br />and by these presents does grant, bargain, soli and convey unto fire Grantee in tba slmplo, alt those certain tots or parcels <br />of land aitueted in Omnge County, Nonh Carol lua and more particularly desoeibod as follows: <br />5ce HxhibitA asachedhercto and incorporated herein. <br />• TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 1ho aforesaid tots or parcels of land cad alt privileges and sppurtcuancos thereto <br />belonging to tha t}rantea in feu simple. <br />And the Grentor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is ssized of ste premises in fee simple, has the rigizt to <br />convoy rho came In fee simple, that lido is marketable and fma and clear of all enoaotbrancos, and that Grantor will <br />warrant and dofend the stla against the IawPol otaims of alt persons whomsoever oxcept for the excepsons hereinafter <br />stated, <br />The properly horoinabovo described was acquired by Grantor ay instntmcnt recorded in Haok,__ ~ Page _ <br />and Hook .Pegs ofthe0mngaCounryRegisiry. <br />Ttsc to the property harelnabovo described is subject to the following excoppans: <br />Ali easements and reshiattana ofrecord. <br />IN wITNHSS WHBRHOP, the Cttantorhas hereunto set his hand and sea! the da~~JJy and }year drat above wrisen. <br />~~/i1,tlN~ /'. C?ILLt~~ (SBAL) <br />VARNON P. DAMS <br />~..~an.s (SEAL) <br />ARBARA S. DAMS <br />STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OP CHATHAM <br />r6 ' '• <br />''~tty~lo of the County and Sfata aforesaid, ccrtity that VBRNON P. DAYLS end wifo, BARBARA S. <br />" arstfpaity appearcdbefore me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing tnstntmant, <br />~.BtdandoBiclalstamporseal,rhis l~~ day~ofMarch,2002. <br />rt <br />'7 <br />~Bxpirost ~0-{~-~. ~ . <br />~ N TALLY PUALI <br />UlffilYr,Ml!'~ <br />d <br />rzt_so <br />p7 MAtt 2002, at UHs3%:52pm <br />Abbk 253D, Puge 4A0 - 48i? <br />F@R •MBCT1RQEk~INNS~~~ Jbyca N. PBrYFSbn <br />ROgI_st~r• of Oeeds' <br />$E,E EQOA4vc1~ P ~ Orange county, N: c. <br />