Orange County NC Website
Economic Development: Ltdtistrl, ,Stmrdm•d Defiuiiiott <br />Economic development is conducted by a network of professionals using an array of tools designed to <br />create and sustain a strong business climate. It can be defined as the specific activities, programs, and <br />tools aimed at <br />• attracting or creating private investment to expand a tax base; <br />• increasing employment opportunities, wages, and personal incomes; and <br />increasing wealth in a community. <br />FcongmL Development Handbook, NC Economk Develomrs Association <br />Orange County Economic Development Overarching Goal <br />Viable and sustainable economic development that contributes to both property and sales tax revenues, <br />and enhances high - quality employment opportunities for County residents. <br />2030 02mamhensive Plan Overarching Goal Statement for Economic Develo mp ent aq roo ved by BOCC November 2008 <br />Orange County Board of County Commissioners Economic Development Goad <br />"Implement planning and economic development policies which create a balanced, dynamic local <br />economy, and which promote diversity, sustainable growth and enhanced revenue while embracing <br />community values ". <br />Sept 15 2000 Board of Counly Commissioners <br />Orange County EDCATission <br />Our purpose is to make Orange County a smart, innovative place — a great place in which to live and <br />work. We encourage public - private investments to provide jobs for county residents and to increase the <br />non - residential tax base. Through these investments, we enhance the financial well -being and quality of <br />life of county residents, and the ability of their local governments to provide high - quality services. <br />Investing in Innovation Orange County Economic Develop nt Commissim Ffve-YearStrategic Plan 20062010 <br />Interim CoruttpMrnmgerClifton 'sAsressment <br />The county needs a comprehensive approach to economic development. There is no uniform strategy in <br />place. Staff issues result from attempting to 'sell' economic diversity and development as important <br />without a clear understanding of what ED is in Orange County. Beyond general conversation in support <br />of ED as a priority limited effort or investment has evolved in support of unidentified goals. ...Without <br />having a clear strategy, ED will continue to be a less effective investment of resources with limited <br />results <br />Auaust 2009 <br />Business Tip Front the Amish <br />[Businesses] will tell you what they want and how to sell it, if you listen. You "listen" in different ways: <br />by scrutinizing sales statistics, by reading news and industry publications, and by old- fashioned asking. <br />You may have to put aside your ego." <br />Borrowed from Erik Wesner. Success Made Simple An lnside Look at My Amish Businesses Thrive <br />ilPage <br />