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have access to a variety of economic development tools in order to engage businesses and gain their commitment to <br />locate in the County. Depending oil whether the business is a start-up or an expanding enterprise or whether the <br />entrepreneur is building a family or high- growth business, their needs vary widely; thus the tools available to <br />Orange County economic developers must be equally diverse. Therefore, the EDC recommends timely adoption of <br />a Unified Development Ordinance capable of supporting permitting timelines of 90 days or fewer, capitalizing a <br />pilot fund for business retention and recruitment, and re- capitalizing the small business loan fund.. These three tools <br />will position Orange County to meet the strongest pinch points for the majority of businesses, particularly <br />entrepreneurial ventures and businesses in the 10 —100 employee range. <br />Knowledge <br />Getting the best return possible oil this proposed investment in infrastructure and economic development tools <br />requires a solid foundation of knowledge. Taking advantage of UNC resources, the EDC recommends amassing data <br />matching regional clusters and industries with Orange County assets, assessing viable finding mechanisms that meet <br />both short- and long -term fiscal needs, and evaluating tactical information on infi-astructure, regulatory, and <br />structured financial incentives capable of increasing Orange County's business attractiveness and marketability in <br />the region and state. An equally important component of knowledge acquisition is exchanging best practices and <br />experience with economic development professionals, business leaders, and university research and development <br />talent across the Triangle. Being part of the Research Triangle Regional Partnership, Orange County has access to <br />strategies, practices, and data developed by an economic development organization cited by the US Deportment of <br />Commerce as being the best of the best. <br />Financlal bnpact <br />In order to begin reversing Orange County's fiscal position by way of increasing the commercial tax base, we <br />believe that an investment of $525,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011 is needed. This will provide tools that can be used <br />immediately to support local entrepreneurs and established businesses and ensure that the Commissioners, staff, and <br />advisory board members have access to current information necessary for effective data - driven policy development <br />and decision - making. <br />Fiscal Years 2011112 — 2 01 412 01 5 <br />The road to long -tern cash neutrality and fiscal sustainability, requires multi -year planning and investment. <br />Therefore, although our current budget request focuses on Fiscal Year 2010/2011, our strategic recommendations <br />encompass a six -year period from Fiscal Year 2010/2011 through Fiscal Year 2015/2016 and map the critical path <br />for achieving EDD certification, UDO establishment, ongoing start -up and established business support tools, and <br />ongoing data - driven decision - making. Based on information obtained from staff, surrounding counties and <br />municipalities, and UNC economic development professionals, we approximate a total investment of $2,300,000 <br />spread across six years, excluding the county's investment in water and wastewater infrastructure. <br />Although the total investment is modest, compared with investments made by surrounding counties in economic <br />development, we believe that it is sufficient to transform non - performing land into revenme- producing commercial <br />property capable of funding education and other programs valued by Orange County residents. Without this <br />investment, Orange County will be unable to increase nom- residential tax revenues, which will cause continual <br />decline in service provision and quality long into the foreseeable future. <br />While Paper <br />To assist the County Manager and Board of Commissioners in their deliberations, the EDC has condensed research <br />findings in the companion paper, "Private Investment, Jobs, and Wealth Creation: An Overview of Economic <br />Development Strategies, Best Practices, and Activity Driving Orange County Economic Development Outcomes ". <br />In 20 pages plus appendices, the EDC has summarized data acquired over the past 12 months from a variety of <br />sources including local economic development professionals and business investors; the North Carolina Department <br />of Commerce and its regional economic development partnerships; area Chambers of Commerce; leading trade <br />publications addressing the needs of site selection specialists, relocating businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs; <br />and leading experts from several UNC centers of research. <br />The information detailed in this document summarizes information describing: <br />• Summary of Economic Development Challenges <br />31Page <br />