Orange County NC Website
Measuring Future Progress <br />While creating the framework for the Goal, a subcommittee of the ESAC also formed <br />to collate, group and combine the proposed action strategies into a "benchmark <br />matrix." The purpose of this tool is to provide a way to evaluate the County's success <br />in achieving the action strategies, and ultimately in becoming a model county for <br />environmental stewardship. One idea was to compare what is being done now to <br />what could be done better. As such, it was decided that it is important to use <br />measurable markers ("reduce the amount of paper from _ to _ in 5 years"), rather <br />than open ended ("reduce the amount of paper in the near future") statements. It is <br />also important to acknowledge and credit many existing programs that are <br />successful. With this in mind, the subcommittee has been exploring different types of <br />matrix formats, and has developed a draft evaluation tool.:. <br />As efforts continue to identify and implement action strategies, internal mechanisms <br />would be created or reinforced to ensure progress toward the Goal. The ESAC would <br />periodically evaluate the progress toward the Goal, objectives and action strategies, <br />and report on its findings. <br />It is important to note that, in addition to new efforts undertaken as part of this Goal <br />and Leadership Policy, ongoing ..activities in energy, water and vehicle fuel <br />conservation would continue, as would activities to introduce renewable energy <br />sources, maximize energy efficiency,'and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the <br />County's carbon footprint. Other groups and activities, closely related to the ESAC, <br />are currently working toward these purposes, such as implementation of the energy <br />conservation goal, printing and paper usage reductions, green building standards, <br />and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (based on the 2009 Countywide <br />Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecast). Coordination between these efforts, the <br />Comprehensive Plan 2030, and the Environmental Responsibility Goal are critically <br />important to assuring a holistic approach to addressing these intertwined issues and <br />tasks. <br />Environmental Leadership Policv -Guiding Principles <br />Orange County should: <br />1. Institutionalize an ethic and practice of sustainability and <br />environmental awareness within County government, its employees <br />and facilities. <br />2. Ensure that all County facilities and employees working therein <br />practice water conservation (in accordance with the adopted Water <br />Conservation Goal), and that facilities include such water conserving <br />or reuse features as determined efficient, to both conserve this <br />precious natural resource and minimize costs. <br />3. Ensure that all County facilities, and employees working therein, <br />practice energy efficiency (in accordance with the adopted Energy <br />Conservation Goal). Ensure that County facilities include energy <br />