Orange County NC Website
<br />~~~~~®~~~~~~~ ~~~.~l~m~l~~~p ~®~~c~~y <br />Part of the Environmental Responsibility in County Government Goal <br />December _, 2009 <br />Purpose <br />To ensure that Orange County government "leads by example" on matters of <br />environmental responsibility, and takes an active role in promoting and actively <br />institutionalizing sustainable environmental leadership characteristics in its goals, <br />policies and actions -both by acknowledging and encouraging existing and ongoing <br />efforts, and by exploring new opportunities, policies and activities. <br />Background <br />On December 5, 2005, the Board of County: Commissioners adopted an <br />"Environmental Responsibility in County Government" Goal, designed to reinforce <br />and institutionalize an environmental ethic and responsible actions and programs <br />within County government, to make the County a leader,by example in environmental <br />stewardship. (The Goal is included as Appendix A.) The .Board asked several of the <br />County's advisory boards to review this goal .and its 10 Objectives, and identify <br />possible action strategies to achieve the purpose of the Goal. <br />The Environment and Resource Conservation Department and the Commission for <br />the Environment (CfE) were directed to coordinate the process, serve as the conduit <br />of information,. and facilitate. the collation and organization of the action strategies. <br />Strategies were 'created by many departments, agencies and advisory boards, and <br />these original action strategies are included as Appendix B to this policy. <br />While work on the action strategies was in process, activity began to accomplish <br />Objective 1 ,(an Environmental Leadership Policy and Environmental Action <br />Committee). Discussions were held with staff from other local government <br />committees of'this sort,'.:-.and an Environmental Stewardship Action Committee <br />(ESAC) was created;by management. The ESAC is a team of County staff members <br />consisting of one employee from each department. The team is charged with meeting <br />to address ways to institutionalize environmental responsibility within county <br />government. <br />The ESAC is charged to meet twice per year to accomplish the following three tasks: 7) <br />Identify and conduct activities and programs to foster a greater environmental awareness and <br />ethic among Orange County employees. 2) To produce an annual report (beginning in late <br />2007) evaluating the County's progress toward achieving action strategies for meeting the <br />Environmental Responsibility in County Government goal (strategies to be adopted in late <br />2006). 3) Communicate and share ideas for environmental responsibility with other members <br />of the committee, and identify and discuss possible new strategies fo accomplish the <br />Environmental Responsibility in County Government goal. <br />