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10 <br />documents. Several agencies had described what they had, but not the quantity or the space <br />needed to store these items. (Scope Document, Attachment A) <br />Interviews and Survey: <br />To begin this project, I constructed a survey of eight questions and met individually with, <br />members of the work group that represented historical agencies. (Survey Document, <br />Attachment B) i went to each location so i could physically see the materials and how they <br />were stored. I could then ascertain how much space each required. The questions were <br />constructed to illicit consistent information from each group, while understanding their <br />operations and interest in a Heritage Center. The only group that I didn't meet with was the <br />Chapel Hili Museum as they were busy with other issues and had previously expressed that <br />they would not be interested in sharing their collection for a greater Orange County Heritage <br />archival effort. <br />The questions I asked included: <br />1. What were the problems and advantages to establishing a Heritage Center? <br />2. What documents each would or would not share; <br />3. How should the center be managed; <br />4. What funding would they be willing to contribute; and <br />5. What documents, other than those owned by the historical agencies, should <br />be collected? <br />During the visit I estimated the spatial needs of each institution in the Heritage Center Work <br />Group and updated the Scope Document. <br />I also met with the Library staff and with the Business group of the Heritage Center Work Group <br />and asked similar questions. I was told that Commissioner Jacobs was interested in the project <br />and interested in speaking to me. Commissioner Barry Jacobs met with me and again, <br />answered many of the same questions. To get the opinions of "users" of the facility, I spoke to <br />three individuals who had been present at County Commissioner meetings to get their <br />feedback for the need for this facility. Carol Boggs, Stewart Dunaway and Narissa Williams <br />were in favor of a Heritage Center though understood funding difficulties. <br />After meeting with all the partners I compiled the answers into one document so that I could <br />see what the developing trends were. i deliberately did not attach names or agencies to the <br />comments. I distributed these answers to the group members. (Compiled Survey, <br />Attachment C) <br />The most significant information that came out of the survey, in my opinion, was: <br />1j Only one agency was willing to place their archival materials with a "Heritage Center" if <br />the environment was an improvement over theirs; <br />2] Other agencies would share copies or researched materials; we learned that the Burwell <br />School had received a grant and was already digitizing their collections. They would <br />share a digital copy of their collections; <br />