Orange County NC Website
<br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />HH,LSaoROUGH <br />NORTH OAROLINA <br />./ylnarfgrr~ ti.a <br />Memorandum <br />To: Board of Commissioners of Orange and Alamance County's <br />From: FrankW.Clifton-County Manager; Orange <br />Craig F. Honeycutt -County Manager; Alamance <br />Date: 1 /2 112 0 1 0 <br />Re: County Line Update <br />In order to clazify both the Alanrance and Orange Cdiinty's staff recomme~ <br />felt that we needed to give both Boards of Commissioners a joint memo to <br />• With respect to <br />County Boazds <br />proposed to be, <br />any modificatic <br />Attachment 1 <br />1artaGlislee~L>q~52 <br />the County line issue, we <br />ictly where we are at: <br />Alamance and Orange <br />and that any changes <br />;farting point will allow <br />• We agree that>ive need to domtly wo~k'wtth~We local leg~slativg delegations=for Alamance and Orange <br />Counttes to mt[oduce a local billlthat;W~ll sgt a timaframe~for,'the tv{o cougttes fo agree.on any <br />t-.~ -~ 1. h rtt j <br />mod~ficahons:to ttyesurveyed Ime b1y the 2011 ta~year i,~or all )egalpurposes including taxation, school <br />~- <br />attendance ladvse cohtrols, doter tegistrahons;teto we~voUld request leglslatiue action to keep those <br />applications as nop/ standv_ig unttl the_)rocess of od~fymg thelmeAts com~letO-~We will ask our <br />delegations to reserve two localbill numbers beginning ofthe "short session to insure that bills will be <br />available to be introduced during this session. <br />• We agree that only those properties that aze adjacent to the line or split by the line should be considered <br />for any proposed change of the surveyed line in any adjustment, Whenever possible the existing surveyed <br />boundaries of those impacted parcels will be used to determine any final recommendation to modify the <br />county boundary line. <br />• We agree that we will also work closely with our MIS Departments to shaze information to coordinate any <br />changes that will be made to our existing maps to keep costs at a minimum for'both Counties. <br />• We will work closely with the Town of Mebane to address those areas of the surveyed line within their <br />municipal limits, and seek their input in addressing any proposed changes to the line where applicable. <br />• We agree that surveys should only be required by properly owners once a change has been tentatively <br />approved by both Boards of Commissioners. <br />AREA CODE (919) 732-8181 • 968.4501 • 688-7331 • 227-2031 • FAX (919) 644-3004 <br />Ext. 2300 <br />