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Mr. Greene: Replied that the tigers from Pittsboro were particularly selected <br /> for genetic content. He continued that the animals were very rare and we should <br /> do something to preserve them. He contended that the bears had not escaped from <br /> their enclosure, but from leashes; he said the tigers had been frightened by <br /> a helicopter which landed near their cage and escaped then. He said that Dr. <br /> Bleyman had tranquilized the animals by hand even though "they are wild and vicious <br /> animals." <br /> Mr. Bruce Gay, a neighbor of Ms. Stephenson's: Cited safety concerns for <br /> his family. He noted that he was present when the bears escaped and said the <br /> keepers "scratched their heads" and wondered what to do. <br /> Mr. Greene: Replied that the bears would be gone in six months. <br /> Mr. Whitford, a geneticist and researcher: Urged serious consideration of <br /> the ordinance proposed by Mr. Sheffield, noting that the classification system for <br /> different animals distinguished between those animals which are dangerous to <br /> human beings and those which normally are not by specifying different confinement <br /> requirements. As a geneticist he noted the importance of preserving animals <br /> for research and said he felt that the private, well-informed individual could <br /> do a better job breeding animals than zoos. <br /> There were no other citizens who wished to speak on this matter and Board <br /> discussion ensued. Enforcement of any proposed ordinance, the Board agreed, <br /> appeared to be a major problem. <br /> Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to refer <br /> all ordinances provided in the agenda packet and those presented by Ms. Solberg <br /> and Mr. Sheffield to the Manager and County Attorney; enforcement questions as <br /> , well as fiscal impact are to be included in the Manager's report. Vote: Ayes, <br /> 5; noes, 0. <br /> Mr. Bleyman, an animal owner from Chatham County, said that most people will <br /> • comply with an animal control ordinance but that he foresaw the possibility that those <br /> • people who own poisonous reptiles would be driven underground. <br /> Following this vote the Commissioners took a five minute break. Commissioner <br /> • Walker left the meeting during the break and did not return. <br /> D-5 SECTION 8 HOUSING CONTRACT <br /> The County Manager reviewed the contract with the Board of Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to approve the <br /> contract. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />