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~~~ <br />. 095 <br /> <br />0 <br />e <br />f, <br />). <br />I. <br />Commissioner Willhoi~,t moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, to table this <br />ordinance until the Board had received input from the Chapel Hill Board of Realtors. <br />Vote: Ayes, 4 (.Commissioners Whitted, Walker, Willhoit and Marshall); Noes, 1 <br />(Commissioner Gustaveson). <br />The Clerk was asked to inform the Chapel Hill Board of Realtors of this action. <br />rd=TT'. ~~~~ BUDGET AMENDMENTS <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked if, with regard to amendments ~3 & 4, there was ' <br />offsetting revenue. (See pages/o2~/~f this book for these amendments.) Mr. Harding, <br />Finance Director, said there was no offsetting revenue. Commissioner Willhoit <br />said he would like to handle a decrease in revenues with a corresponding decrease <br />in expenditures. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to approve <br />budget amendments ~1 and Z. Vote: Ayes, 5; Noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, to accept the <br />additional funds for Maternal and Child Health. Vote: Ayes, 5; Noes, 0. <br />Concerning proposed budget amendment ~4, Commissioner Willhoit said he pre- <br />ferred to meet Federal cuts with a reduction in expenditures, not by replacing it <br />with local funding. The question of how to deal with a reduction in expected <br />revenues is to be considered by the Health Board. <br />Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, to budget <br />Orange County Housing Authority as a special revenue fund. Vote: Ayes, 5; Noes, 0. <br />E. REPORT ON TELEPHONES <br />Mr. Mark Rees, Central Services Director, reported to the Board, detailing <br />problems we have experienced with the telephones and his response to those pro- <br />blems, aimed at improving service. <br />There was a consensus among Board Members that this problem with the telephones <br />was a high priority and should receive the Manager's and Mr. Rees' continued attention. <br />D-6. DOMI CI LI{~RY HOMES <br />Ms. Betty Landsberger, Chair of the Senior Citizens Board, told the Com- <br />missioners that her Board had considered this question, i.e. establishment of a <br />Domiciliary Home Council, far several months. She said there are about 200 people <br />in the existing 18 domiciliary homes in the County. She said such a council would <br />provide a "bridge of involvement with the community" and prevent isolation of <br />older people. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked the Manager far a report on the budgetary impli- <br />cations if the Board establishes a Domiciliary Home Council. <br />