Orange County NC Website
..,~ <br />North Carolina <br /> <br />1.,1C1/NSE A:GT2El/l~il/~v`'l~ <br />`his License Agreem~;~it is made effective as of this the l ~~" day of lvlay 2~"7, ley <br />and. bet1veera the FIRS"1" 13,~.1''T'TST CI-1L~LZ'H C.?l ~ILL13C)7F~C~[.JCrH, iNC'., izaving an <br />address of2~1 W. King StreLt, l-tillsk~t~rough~ :tisarth Carolina 2'278, ("Licensor") and the. <br />CC~CtNTY t~F f.7lNGE, I~C)lil~ll C,~.RC7LINr~, a body politic and corporate, a political. <br />sul~divisic~n of tite State of North Carolina, having .art address c~E P.{J. 130: 8181, <br />llillsbarc~ugh, North Carolina. ?7278 (`°Lit;ensce'`). <br />~V1`l"N.,SSETi~3: <br />4~'H~RFA due to a diminished nuY~er of available parking. spaces :Ear <br />er~~playees of Licensee; l,,icet~see d.:;i.res to have the use of approximately thirty three <br />{33) parking s~races owned by Licenser during construction Qfthe justice facility; and <br />~1-1FT~EAS, Licensor desires to allow Licensee the use of the parking spaces <br />during. the construction. of the justice facility. <br />N01~', T`1=1EREFC~L~1~ _ ic~r good and. vLrlual~le consideration, and subject to fire <br />terms and conditions herein~j#t~r set. forth, TJicensar does herelay license ante Licensee <br />and. Licensee does hereby 3ecept as Licensee of L;ic;ensar the parking spaces lying. and <br />beitt in (?range C'aunty, North Carolina, dese.rihed more folly herei~> <br />.ECTiCN (7NT~' <br />CINI' ~l^ L-.iCF..,I~SE: L)ESCiZIF'T.ifJl~l ~} PR)~~iISF <br />la;icensor herek?y grams to Licensee a license to occupy and t~se thirty three (33) <br />parkinf^ ~~ces (the "Panting Spaces" ar "Parking Space,") "1`he Parking paces are <br />located behind the l+irst Baptist Churt;iz taf 1-Tilisbc~rnugll having ~ physical address of ?{}1 <br />Sri?. King Street,l-lilisharough, -North Carolina 2.72713 (the ``Property"~), <br />There arc two parking lots located an the Property. an "upper lot'' .and a "lower <br />lot:' It is expressly understood arzd agreed. that the Parking Spaces licensed herein are <br />located in the lower lot; I.,,icensee shall. not occupy any parkin spa~;cs an the Prt~perty <br />ether than Haase spaces located in tlYe laver lvt. Licensee shall install, at its sole cost and <br />expense, signage indicating ~~ch spaces in the lower lot are subject to dais t.icense <br />Agreement, I.icenscar s17a11 aplarave the size aracl type of sign prior 'ta the same being. <br />installed o thy; l"'raperty. <br />