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c~6~~-~o~-aaz <br />,~ ~ z3 ..~ao ~ <br />8 ~.. <br />Section 3. That this resolution be forwarded to all Orange County. law enforcement agencies:, <br />locally elected officials and #o our state and federal legislative delegations on behalf of the <br />residents of Orange County: <br />This the 23`d day of January 200.7.. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Gommissioner Nelson to <br />approve a resolution :opposing the use of locale: law enforcement to enforce civil immigration law <br />and policy and authorize the Chairto sign. <br />VOTE::. UNANLMOUS <br />7. Special Presentations-.NONE <br />8. Public Hearings <br />a. Amendment to the Flood Damage Prevention t~rdnance <br />The Board held a Public :Hearing and considered an amendment to the Flood Damage <br />Prevention Ordinance (FDPO) and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FLRM} into the Zoning <br />Ordinance as-a new overlay district. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized'this item. This-ordinance was originally <br />adopted in 1995 using a model ordinance provided by the state and federal governments. The <br />original maps from FE MA have been used fore 25 years and now these maps have been <br />updated:. The suggestion is to hold a public hearing to amend the existing ordinance. The <br />maps would be effective February 2, 2007. The state and federal governments have asked the <br />County to use the new maps so that it can remain part of the National Flood Insurance Program.. <br />The second part of the approval process, which will-occur at a later date:, is the actual <br />incorporation of these maps into the zoning ordinance.. This will involve changing the zoning, <br />text and..making a zoning atlas amendment. There has been over a_year of public outreach <br />conducted by the National Floodplain Management'Divison that Orange County has. <br />participated in. He said that the maps have not changed very much. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the year of public outreach. Certified Floodplain <br />Manager Glen Bowles said'.-that it went-back to 2004 when FEMA came out and there were two <br />meetings that were advertised in the paper: He said`in the: last two years, he has sent out <br />letters to citizens that own property in the floodplain. He said that Commissioner Jacobs does. <br />not have structures in the floodplain, so `he would not: have gotten a letter. He said that there <br />was an outreach meeting on November 7"' and it was explained to owners on a lot-by-lot basis- <br />where-the floodplain would change. About 20 people came to .the meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon-asked why this has not come to the Board as a public hearing <br />before. now. She said that here .was a time when jurisdictions held public hearings:. and then <br />voted on the same- night, and she does. not like this because the public was excluded. She <br />would like to see the two separated. She asked. that. public hearings on major items be held on <br />separate nights of the decisions.. <br />There was no public comment. <br />A motion was made. by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Nelsonto <br />close the public-hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion: was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve an amendment to-the Orange County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, to <br />incorporate the new Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective February 2, 2007, and authorize staff <br />