ORD-2007-002 - Amendment to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2007-002 - Amendment to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
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4/28/2011 12:52:40 PM
Creation date
5/12/2010 10:36:01 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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12/12/2006 TU8 16:47 FAR <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />The N.G Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance provides for the automatic adoption of <br />revisions to such ordinance without any further legislative action by the appropriate city council. <br />and the board of county commissioners. It incorporates future changes in NFIP floodplain <br />management criteria. I< specifies that maps "as ari~ended" "and gny revision thereto" are <br />automatically adopted by the Ordinance without an amendment of the ordinance. Adoption of <br />new FFi1+1A maps may impact hazazds mapping and zones. Property maybe `Yezoned" if the <br />local government adopts or amends an ordinance that limits or prohibits land uses that previously <br />were allowed in the a~eected zone. An orrinance that proposes to rezone ProP~Y ~1~ <br />certain notice to the affected landowners. A zoning ordinance tf,at incorporates by reference all <br />future amend~ertts br modifications of flood inswrance maps and subsequent revisions is an <br />unlawful delegation of legislative authority..' To incorporate future changes to nit ordinance wiU <br />unlawfully delegate to another body, person of emity such as FEIvIA the power to change the - <br />ordinance, which is a power thaf should be reserved to the city council or the board of eourity <br />camrnissioners. ~ . <br />State law at N.GG.S. § 143-215:56(p,) provides that once FEMA approves the floodplain <br />map for the NFIP, then, eac~h'local government affected by the floodplain must incorporate the <br />revised map into its floodplain ordinance. State law at N.C.G.S. § 153A-47 and.N.C.G.S. §160A- <br />76(b) provide that a city or county may adopt in an ordinance regulations a <br />public agency. These statutes, N.GG.S. §1S3A-47 and §1b0A-76(b), seem to permit a county or <br />city to adopt the federal regulations promulgataed by a public agency, FEMA. Specifically, these . <br />statutes, N.C.G.S. §153A-47 and § 16QA-7b(b); seam to permit a county or city to adopt FEMA's <br />rules,, including but may not be tirnited to, 44 C.FR Parts 59 and 65, for the mapping of special <br />flood hazard areas. ~ These statutes seem to suggest that the city or county may adopt in its <br />ordinance Fl?1RA's regulations for mapping special flood hazard areas. Ii is unclear whether <br />these statutes, N.C.G.S. §] 53A-41 and § 160A-7b(b), permit a city or county to incorporate <br />FEMA's ,future rules or future amendments for mapping special flood hazard areas. . <br />State law at N.C.G.S. § 160A-384, § 153A-343 and § l 53A-344 outline specifCC procedures <br />for amending zoning ordinances for cities, towns and counties, respectively, including but may <br />not be limited to, providing notice to certain landowners and a public hearing. Adoption of <br />amendments to the Flood Insurance Study or the Flood Insurance Maps for an area under the <br />local jurisdiction must be done in accordance with the statutory procedures at N_C.G.S. § 1 b0A- <br />384, § i 53A--343 and § 153A-344. "While N.C.G.S. §§ l 53A-4 and 160A-4 mandate that g~rauts <br />of authority to local governments be broadly interpreted, zoning authority cannot be exercised in <br />a manner contrary to the express provisions of the zoning enabling authority." In~ty of <br />Lancaster v. Meck[enbura County, 334 N.C. 496, 434. S.E.2d 604 (1993). It is settled law in <br />North Carolina any zoning ordinance must be amended in acxordance with state law. "[A] zoning <br />ordinance or an amendment thereto which is not adopted in acxordance with the enabling statutes <br />is invalid and ineffective." Sellers v_ Cit~- of Asheville.. 33 N:C. APP. 544, 236 S.E.2d 283 <br />(] 977). It has been held that in addition to complying with the state statutory requirement, local <br />zoning authority must comply with ail requirements of its own local zoning ordinance before <br />®als/ozl <br />14 . <br />
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