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., 416 <br /> basin. Commissioner W-illhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to <br /> adopt recommendation # 1. Upon being reminded that the Board had outlined <br /> the procedure (see previous page of these minutes) to be followed to include <br /> public input, Commissioner Willhoit withdrew his motion. <br /> Recommendation # 2: Mr. Luce noted, with regard to the recomi nclation <br /> on the allocation of water rights in Lake Orange, that 'it was "not currently , <br /> a critical issue." <br /> 1 Recorl:r.endation # 3: Mr. Luce read it aloud and did not supply any update. <br /> Recommendation # 4: With regard to reservoir sites, Mr. Luce said two <br /> additional sites had been identified on the north and south forks of the Little <br /> River. <br /> i Recommendation #5: To reserve a portion of the Jordan Lake Water, as <br /> earlier noted, the Board has acted on this recommendation. <br /> Recomn:: elation # 6: Mr. Luce read it aloud and did not supply any update. <br /> I <br /> Recommendation # 7: To adopt a Land Use Plan which identifies protected <br /> watersheds. Mr. Luce noted the Board had done so on September 2, 1981. <br /> J� Recommendation #! 8: Mr. Luce read it aloud and did not supply any update. <br /> I Recommendation # 9: Mr. Luce read it aloud and did not supply any update. <br /> Recommendation # 10: Mr. Luce sum.narized it and did not supply any update. <br /> Recommendation # 11: Regarding the extension of zoning into its areas of <br /> protected watersheds, Mr. Luce said the Board had done so in the case of the exten- <br /> sion of zoning into Hillsborough Township. <br /> I Recommendation # 12: Mr. Luce summarized the recommendation and added that <br /> Ithe impervious surface ratios had already been added to the zoning ordinance. <br /> Recommendation # 13: Regarding the provision of stream buffers, Mr. Luce <br /> said the Board had implemented this recommendation in the watershed amendments to <br /> the zoning ordinance. <br /> Recommendation # 14: Mr. Luce summarized the recommendation and did not <br /> provide an update. <br /> RE-:ommendation 15: Mr. Luce cited the recommendation and did not provide <br /> any update. <br /> Recoi:,Mendation 16: Mr. Luce summarized the recommendation and did not pro- <br /> vide any update. <br /> 1 Recommendation # 17: Mir. Luce summarized the recommendation and did not <br /> provide any update. <br />