Orange County NC Website
<br />i-t [ E ~ti..R[ltily f~E [ uki3a <br />1. Avail deriving a direct benefit from contracts in which you are involved in making ar <br />administering on behalf of the public agency. (G.S. 14-234{(a}(1}; criminal penalty; Hate <br />defined terms in the statute: direct benefit, involved in making ar administering a contract.} <br />2. Avail attempting to influence others vvha are involved in making ar administering a contract on <br />behalf of the public agency, even if you aren't involved, if you will derive a direct benefif from <br />the contract. (G.S. 14-234 {a)(2~; criminal penalty: Hate defined terms in the statute: direct <br />benefit, involved in making or administering a contract.} <br />3. Avoid soliciting ar receiving any gift ar reward in exchange far recommending, influencing. or <br />attempting to influence the award of a contract h, the public agency you serve. (G.S. 14-234 <br />(a)(3}; criminaE penalty.) <br />4. Consider the ethical and practical conseq~_~r~ces or" deriving a direct benefit from a contract. <br />that is authorized under any exception to the statute. and v:=i~l~ these considerations against. <br />the potential advantage to the public agency and toy ~arsel? Follow reporting requirements to <br />ensure. transparency. (G.S. 14-234 (b~; (d1}.} <br />5. Avoid participating in deliberations about ar voting an a contract ire which you. have a direct <br />benefit, when the contract is undertaken as allowed under any exception to the statute. (G,S. <br />14-234 (b1.}~ criminal penalty. <br />~. Avoid using your- i~~ ~~~~.v'd ~:e of contemplated action by you or your unit, ar information known <br />to you in your offcia~ capacity and Hat made public, to acquire a financial interest in any <br />property.: transaction. or enterprise, nr to gain, a financial benefit that may be affected by the <br />information t~r• cont~.mplat~d act~~on Avoid mfentionally aiding another to do any of these <br />thi~n~a. (G.S. 'l~~ ?~4. i~~, . gal`penalty-~ <br />~ Avoid receiving any gift er fave:r from'a current, past, or potential contractor. (G.S. 133-32(a}; <br />cri,-~~inai penalty.} e <br />8. Consider the ethical and practical consequences of accepting a gift or favor under any <br />exception to the ~tati~tory prohibition, and follow reporting requirements to ensure <br />transparency. {G; S '133-32{d~.~ <br />9. Avoid voting on rr~atters involving: your awn financial interest. or official conduct. (G.S. 16JA-75; <br />153A-44.) Identify and disclose these matters in advance so that your board can determine <br />whether or not you have a conflict that allows you to be excused by the board from voting. <br />When in doubt, obtain an opinion from your 6acal attorney about whether you must vote or may <br />9 <br />be excused.. <br />