Orange County NC Website
8 <br />!n order to ensure strict compliance with the laws governing openness, governing board <br />members should strive to be open. They should prohibit unjustified delay in fulfilling public <br />records requests.. They should take deliberate steps to ensure that any closed sessions held <br />by the board are lawfully conductedy and that such sessions do not stray from the purposes <br />for which they are called. <br />Section 6. <br />if a majority of the board has reason to believe that one or more of its members has <br />violated a provision of this Code of Ethics, it may open an investigation. into the matter All <br />information compiled, including the grounds for the finding of probable cause, sha!! be shared <br />with the member uvhen it is received. Al! information pertaining to the case shall be open to <br />public inspection and copying pursuant. to the'(vorth Carolina. public record's statutes. if upon <br />investigation the board concludes that a violation of ~~ criminal law may have occurred, it shall <br />refer the matter to the local district attorney. Should i.e board determine that it wishes to <br />proceed further with censure proceedings, it shall call for a ~earingt to be held at a regular <br />meeting or at a special meeting convened for that purpose:. and shall adhere to the <br />procedures set out in Attachment "~,,. This section shall apply only to the Board of County. <br />Commissioners of Orange Cour~ty- <br />Adapted this the 'day ~~~f __ , 20117. <br />Valerie Foushee, Chair <br />Alice M. Gordon <br />Barry Jacobs <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Vice Chair <br />Pam Nemminger <br />Mike Nelson. <br />Steve Yuhasz <br />