Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Exhibiting trustworthiness. <br />Living as if they are on duty as elected officials regardless of where they are or what <br />they are doing. <br />Using their best independent judgment to pursue the common goad as they see it, <br />presenting their opinions to al! in a reasonable, forthright, consistent manner. <br />• Remaining incorruptible, self-governing, and'. not subject to improper influence, while at <br />the same time being able to eons"rder the opinions and ideas of others. <br />• Discls~sng contacts artd infoi-matiori about issues that they eeceive outside of public <br />meetings, and refraining from seeking or receiving information about. quasi-judicial <br />matters outside of the quasi-judicial proceedings herx~selves. <br />Treating other board members and the ~ubiic with respect, and honoring the opinions <br />of others even when they disagree. <br />Being careful not to mach conclusions on i:~su~:s until all sides have been heard. <br />• Bhowing respect for their office and not behaving in ways that reflect. badly on it. <br />• Recognizing that they are part of a larger group and acting ~ccc~rdingly. <br />• Recognizing that %nd~~idual board members are not generajly allowed to act: on behalf <br />of the board, but may o~~rly do so if the board specifically so authorizes, and that the <br />beard must fatCe`official action as a body. <br />Sectiic~n 3. <br />{a} Board members sho~.~ld avoid impropriety in the exercise of their officio! duties. Their <br />official actions should be ai~ove rL~urc~~~h. Although opinions may vary about what behavior is <br />inappropriate, this board wi[! consider +rnpropriety in terms of whether a reasonable person <br />who is aware of all of the relevant facts and circumstances surrounding the board member's <br />action would conclude that the action was inappropriate. <br />(b} Board members shall, at the annual organizational meeting of the Board immediately <br />after assuming office, file with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners a written <br />statement describing any interest he or she or his or her spouse has in real property situated <br />in whole or in part in Qrartge Gounty artd the general location of that property. <br />{c} Board members shall, at the annual organizational meeting of the Board immediately <br />after assuming of€ice, file with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners a written <br />statement describing any legal, equitable, beneficial or contractual interest he or she or his. or <br />