Orange County NC Website
10. Avoid voting on any zoning map or text amendment where the outcome of the vote is <br />reasonably likely to have a direct, substantial. and readily identifiable financial impact on you. <br />{G.S. 153A-340{g}; 160P,-381{d).} <br />11. do not participate in or vote on any quasi judicial matter, includ'€ng matters that come before <br />the board when acting in a quasi judicial capacity under G.S. 153A-315 or 16C1A-388, iF <br />participation would violate affected persons` constitutional right to an impartial decis-ion-maker.. <br />impermissible conflicts- under this statutory standard include "having a fixed opinion prior to <br />hearing the matter that is not susceptible to change°; "undiscl~~~=d ~x parte communications <br />[communications between a board member and son-eo~~ ese wl,~a is involved in the rrtatter <br />that occur outside the official quasi judicial. proceeding]"; ~a close fan;ilial, business, or other <br />associational relationship with an affected person°. or "a financial inter est in the outcome of the <br />matter." (153A-315{e1}; 150A-388{e1}; violation of the constitutional standard by one member <br />invalidates the entire vote.} <br />12. Fulfill your statutory obligation to vote on all matters that come before you even when there are <br />appearances of conflict, and only refrain from voting when there is a legal basis for or <br />requirement to be excused from voting. {G. S, 153A-14; 160A-75.} <br />10 <br /> <br />