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2917 <br /> e. and the owners of the airport buying the land and reselling it with convenant <br /> restrictions. He said that in North Carolina zoning was used most often. <br /> Commissioner Marshall: Told Mr. Matthews that she thought he had earlier <br /> said that zoning was not often used in North Carolina and that airports were <br /> located in agricultural/residential areas. <br /> Mr. Matthews: Replied that there were airports located in agricultural/ <br /> residential areas. <br /> Commissioner Marshall : Asked Mr. Matthews that with regard to his knowledge <br /> of zoning ordinances if airports were "typically" located in agricultural/residential <br /> areas. <br /> Mr. Matthews: "Typically,,yes." <br /> Commissioner Marshall: Noted that she was not a member of the Board of Com- <br /> missioners when the zoning, ordinance was adopted and noted that previous testi- <br /> mony from the earlier part of the public hearing /-July 8, 19827 indicated that <br /> this (agricultural/residential) zone was not the best place to put an airport. <br /> She asked if, according to his knowledge of zoning ordinances, if airports were <br /> usually located in such zones (agricultural/residential)? <br /> Mr. Matthews: Cited his knowledge of the ordinances in Rocky Mount, Clinton, <br /> said that most counties were not as "sophisticated" as Orange in their land <br /> use designations; i.e., they would have one or two industrial zones and every- <br /> thing else would be residential/agricultural . And typically, airports don't locate <br /> in densely populated areas and his division does not encourage such locations. <br /> Commissioner Marshall : Said that the "perception" was that the HWA was a <br /> "nuisance to a certain extent for some people" but primarily it was of "concern" <br /> for the safety of the children in-the schools located in its flight pattern, "and <br /> you've already said that's not good;" but to the "quality of life" question, it's <br /> been said that'�roperty values are decreased becauseitof that" •and she asked Mr. <br /> Matthews if, in his experience in seeing airports located, property values had <br /> fallen. <br /> Mr. Matthews. Disclaimed his expertise as a judge of property values but <br /> continued:- <br /> I would say that the only areas where we've seen a major change <br /> take place has been.around airports that have stimulated economic <br /> development, in which case property values have gone up. I guess I <br /> would respond to HWA, I'm familiar with HWA, it's an airport I'm res- <br /> ponsible for in my job along with about forty others in eastern., <br /> North Carolina; and, I would say that if:people are scared to death <br /> of HWA and property values are falling, you sure couldn't tell it <br />