Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />4 <br />Comprehensive Plan Goals/Objectives <br />Land Use Element <br />Objective LU-1.1 <br />Coordinate the location of higher intensity <br />development with existing or planned <br />adequate supporting infrastructure such as <br />public transportation, streets (among others) <br />Transportation Element <br />Objective T-3.4: <br />Direct development to higher density mixed- <br />use districts along transit corridors and make <br />necessary multi-modal transportation <br />improvements to service lands that are slated <br />for future intense development <br />Land Use Goal 3: <br />Coordinate land use patterns that limit sprawl <br />that are supported by an efficient and balanced <br />transportation system <br />Objective LU-3.2: <br />Coordinate land use patterns to facilitate the <br />expanded use of non-auto modes of travel, the <br />increased occupancy of automobiles and the <br />use of an energy-efficient transportation <br />system <br />Transportation Goal 3: <br />Integrated land use planning and <br />transportation planning that serves existing <br />development, supports future development <br />Objective T-1.1: <br />Increase the occupancy of automobiles <br />through ridesharing and other means; and <br />expand the use of public transit (including bus <br />and rail), walking, and biking as primary modes <br />of travel. <br />Objective LU-3.10: Objective T-1.5: <br />Identify viewsheds along major transportation Identify prime viewsheds along major <br />corridors and amend land use regulations to transportation corridors and protect these <br />protect them areas <br />Objective LU-5-3 Objective T-2.3: <br />Develop and coordinate an emergency Increase countywide access for emergency <br />disaster plan (would involve evacuation routes vehicles, including ways to improve response <br />appropriate for the need) times, both for existing and new developments <br />What is being contemplated to include public comment before the approval of the <br />Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Attachment 1(d) is the timeline for the transportation plan <br />development approved by the Board in that includes opportunities for public involvement. A <br />survey to obtain public comment on needs was completed in October 2009. Public workshops <br />and comment periods will be held prior to development of alternatives to be analyzed, for the <br />draft recommended plans for each mode, and a public hearing will be held for the recommended <br />final Comprehensive Transportation Plan that goes to the Board for adoption. <br />