Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1(c) 11 <br />Chapter 9 Transportation Element <br />Objective T-1.1: <br />Increase the occupancy of automobiles through ridesharing and other means; and expand <br />the use of public transit (including bus and rail), walking, and biking as primary modes of <br />travel. (See also Economic Development Objective ED-2.3.) <br />Objective T-1.5: <br />Identify prime view sheds along major transportation corridors and protect these areas for <br />their scenic and natural resource values. (See also Parks and Recreation Objective PR-5.4.) <br />Objective T-2.3: <br />Increase countywide access for emergency vehicles, including ways to improve response <br />times, both for existing and new developments. (See also Services and Community Facilities <br />Objectives PST-2 and PST-5.) <br />Transportation Goal 3: Integrated land use planning and transportation planning that serves <br />existing development, supports future development, and is consistent with the County's land use <br />plans, which include provisions for preserving the natural environment and community <br />character. <br />Objective T-3.4: <br />Direct development to higher density mixed-use districts along transit corridors and make <br />necessary multi-modal transportation improvements to service lands that are slated for future <br />intense development, such as Economic Development Districts. <br />