Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1(c) 10 <br />Chapter 5. Land Use Element <br />Objective LU-1.1: <br />Coordinate the location of higher intensity /high density residential and non-residential <br />development with existing or planned locations of public transportation, commercial and <br />community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high- <br />speed Internet access, streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural <br />and cultural resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and <br />creating new mixed-use zoning districts where adequate public services are available. (See <br />also Economic Development Objectives ED-2.1, ED-2.3, ED-2.10, and Water and <br />Wastewater Objective WW-2.) <br />Land Use Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program and pattern that <br />limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes land use conflicts, supported <br />by an efficient and balanced transportation system. <br />Objective LU-3.2: <br />Coordinate land use patterns to facilitate the expanded use of nonauto modes of travel, the <br />increased occupancy of automobiles, and the development and use of an energy-efficient <br />transportation system. (See also Transportation Objective T-1.1, Economic Development <br />Objective ED-2.3, and Air and Energy Resources Objective AE-8.) <br />Objective LU-3.10: <br />Identify prime viewsheds along major transportation corridors and other areas, and amend <br />County land use ordinances to ensure longterm protection of viewsheds. (See also Natural <br />Areas Objective NA- 16, Parks and Recreation Objective PR-5.4, and Transportation <br />Objective T-1.5.) <br />Objective LU-5-3: <br />Develop and coordinate an emergency disaster plan and community education program to <br />increase awareness of the dangers of natural and human-made emergency events and <br />understand how best to prepare. <br />