Agenda - 05-13-2010 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-13-2010 - Work Session
Agenda - 05-13-2010 - 1
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5/10/2010 10:19:05 AM
Creation date
5/10/2010 10:18:57 AM
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Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-13-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
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9 <br />Appendix B <br />Social Justice Data Collection <br />"HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR TAX DOLLARS SPENT TO PROMOTE SOCIAL JUSTICE IN ORANGE COUNTY?" <br />When asked, "What is social justice?", one response is: "SOCIAL JUSTICE is the ideology that all human beings should <br />have the right and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded them by society and the environment." <br />How to Play the Game, PEA9vIESINAJAR <br />1. You have 13 tax dollars ($13). <br />2. You review the attached list. <br />3. From the examples under each category, you can either: a) choose specific issues and specify an amount of your <br />$13 to be spent on those specified issues OR b) you can just choose an overall category and specify an amount of <br />your $13 to be spent on that specific category. EXAMPLES BELOW: <br />A. TO SPECIFY A SPECIFIC ISSUE IN A CATEGORY, DRAW A LINE OPPOSITE THE SPECIFIC ISSUE AND SPECIFY THE <br />AMOUNT YOU WISH TO SPEND <br />CIVICPARTICIPATION <br />/ .fair and equitable representation of all residents You've designated $4 of your $13 to <br />/ equal access to the voting process -~ $a <br />/ create a process that allows residents to petition be spent on the issue "equal access <br />and/or vote to have their property included/excluded to the voting process" <br />as art of a ci or town <br />B. TO SPECIFY SUPPORT OF THE OVERALL CATEGORY, DRAW A LINE OPPOSITE THE CATEGORY AND SPECIFY THE <br />AMOUNT YOU WISH TO SPEND <br />C1VLC PARTICIPATION <br />/ fair and equitable representation of all residents ~ $6 You've designated $6 of your $13 to <br />/ equal access to the voting process be spent on the category "CIVIC <br />/ create a process that allows residents to petition PARTICIPATION' <br />and/or vote to have their property included/excluded <br />as art of a ci or town <br />4. If there is an issue not included on the attached list, please feel free to write that issue and the amount of tax <br />dollars to be spent to support that issue on the back of the attached sheet. <br />5. Thank you!! You have completed the interactive game! <br />ORAI~'GE COUh'TYSOCLAL JUSTICE GOAL <br />
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