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7 <br />Recommended Actions for Creating a Safe Community: <br />• Support community resources and agencies designed to provide appropriate services based on community <br />need and best practices. <br />• Create acommission/task force to study the best practices for addressing domestic violence issues, such as <br />establishing an Orange County shelter for battered women. <br />• Create acommission/task force to study the best practices for delivering mental health services. <br />• Commission a study by county service agencies to examine whether service delivery venues and methods <br />reflect different cultural contexts present in the county. <br />Recommended Actions for Establishing Sustainable And Equitable Land-Use And Environmental Policies: <br />• Ask the following questions for all land-use decisions: <br />1. What are the environmental justice implications of this decision? <br />2. If this decision has environmental justice implications, have all Orange County residents been given <br />adequate notice of the issue, relevant information, and opportunities to give meaningful input before the <br />final decision is made? <br />3. Does a proposed solution have a potentially cumulative environmental impact on a specific community or <br />neighborhood? <br />4. If a proposed solution may be environmentally unjust, is there an alternative resolution that would have a <br />less disparate impact while still accomplishing our core purpose? <br />• Strengthen and expand public transportation from northern to southern Orange County that meets the needs of <br />individuals relying on public transportation without an undue impact on the environment. <br />Recommended Actions for State Legislation <br />The HRC suggests that the BoCC adopt a resolution asking the County's legislative delegation to pursue the <br />following: <br />• Improve hate crimes laws to increase protection to include unprotected individuals (i.e. women and lesbian, <br />gay, bisexual and transgender people). <br />• Draft language and seek a legislative sponsor for a statewide employment discrimination law so it may be <br />enforced in Orange County. <br />• Seek legislative authorization to implement a "big box" living wage ordinance. <br />• Advocate that all people have access to affordable healthcare -including mental health services. <br />CONCLUSION <br />Social Justice is an important and universal consideration. Orange County has taken an important first step by <br />developing and implementing a Social Justice Goal. The Human Relations Commission would like to thank the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners for their support and feedback throughout the process of researching and <br />designing the Social Justice Goal. The HRC hopes that the Goal will make Orange County a place known to value <br />diversity; a place where equal treatment is the rule, not the exception. <br />ORr1NGE Coc~vrYDRAFTSoGAI JUSTICE GOAL <br />