Orange County NC Website
5 <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE VISION <br />In working to achieve social justice, Orange County shall perform government duties including policy-making <br />and budgeting with the express objectives of: <br />• Striving for the elimination of oppression and inequity by creating an environment of equal opportunity in <br />which no groups are targeted for harassment, exclusion, intimidation or violence. <br />• Ensuring economic self-sufficiency by fostering a sustainable community in which individuals can <br />sufficiently provide for the physical, social, and mental needs of themselves and their dependents, and by <br />providing safety net mechanisms for those who find themselves unable to do so. <br />• Creating a safe community by supporting policies, procedures, regulations, and programs that reduce <br />harassment, exclusion, intimidation, and violence against Orange County residents. <br />• Establishing sustainable and equitable land-use and environmental policies by creating land-use policies <br />that are fair, reasonable and in line with a sustainable economy. <br />To provide a just framework for governing, the Human Relations Commission suggests the Board of County <br />Commissioners consider these questions when making all decisions: <br />1. What are the social justice implications of this decision? <br />2. If this decision has social justice implications, have all Orange County residents been given adequate notice of <br />the issue, relevant information, and opportunities to give meaningful input before the final decision is made? <br />3. Does a proposed solution have a potentially cumulative social impact on a specific community or <br />neighborhood? <br />4. If a proposed solution may be socially unjust, is there an alternative resolution that would have a less <br />disparate impact while still accomplishing our core purpose? <br />OR,4NGE COl3NT3'DRAFT~OCL4L .7L7STICE Gf7AL <br />