Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Elimination of O ression 26.2 Percent <br />Economic Self-Sufficient 20.4 Percent <br />Ph sicall and Mentall Safe Communities 16.9 Percent <br />Environmental Justice 13.3 Percent <br />Civic Partici ation 13.1 Percent <br />Others 10.1 Percent <br />The HRC took this extensive community feedback on Orange County's social justice priorities and synthesized it <br />in to the following goals and recommended actions. <br />ORANGE COUNTY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE <br />Orange County is, without doubt, one of the most progressive Counties in the State of North Carolina, and offers <br />more social justice programs than most other communities. However, the County and its residents are heavily <br />impacted by state and national policies that have been predominantly regressive and have placed primary <br />responsibility for social justice on local government's doorstep. While the County continues to grow and the <br />demand for services continues to expand, County funds have not been increasing at the same rate. Each year <br />government administrators and elected officials are forced to make difficult decisions regarding funding for <br />programs, all of which are important to the health of our local community. <br />s The OTHER category included issues such as reproductive justice and animal rights. <br />OR4NGE COUIVTY'DRAFT SOCIAL JUSTICE COAL <br />