Orange County NC Website
34 <br />BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING <br />August 25, 2006 <br />13 Residents Participated <br />CIl'7C PARTICIPATION' ECONOMIC-SELF SC'FFICIENCI' ELIA'1INATION OF OPPRESSION <br />$11 $61 $34 <br />/ $2 Equal access to voting / $24 Access to affordablelpreventative $2 Affordable housing <br />/ $1 Paper trail of votes healthcare $2 Condemn laws that promote <br /> / $6 Affordable housing discrimination <br /> / $2 Access to dental care $2 Wage fairness <br /> / $2 Access to healthy food $1 Equal and equitable access to <br /> / $1 Equal Access to education schools, health and resources <br /> $1 Equal access to healthcare <br /> $1 E ual access to education <br />------ <br />OT1iER' ----- - - - <br />P~~~~s~c?,I~rS~&17Ftir:~I,LYS.tiFr~ ~ <br />Co~Inlt;Nr~ Ir, - <br />E?vVIaR(~w!~w~r,~v.Tusxicr <br />$4 $31 $28 <br />/ $3 Laws protecting all / $3 Northern Orange parks, walking trails / $4 Use local and organic <br />immigrants documented or that are safe and secure agriculture <br />undocumented from / $1 Safety on walking trails in and around / $4 Create Asthma friendly <br />exploitation and exclusion Carrboro in the early mornings public housing <br /> / $2 Preserve open space <br /> / $1 Green building practices <br /> / $1 Promote recycling <br /> / $1 Improve water quality <br /> / $1 Condemn/prevent <br /> hazardous companies from <br /> locatin in nei hborhoods <br />OR41vGE COUNTY SOCIAL JUSTICE GOAL APPen~ $ <br />