Orange County NC Website
HOUSING FAIR @ UNIVERSITY MALL <br />Apri122, 2006 <br />28 Residents Participated <br />- CiT7C-PARTICIPATION. EtONOMICSELFSIJF'FiC1ENC] ELI11!fINNATIONOF©PPRESSIO~- <br />$54.00 $80.00 $89.00 <br />/ Equal access to voting process / Affordable housing $12 / Affordable housing $2 <br />$11 / Equal access to education $11 / Wage fairness $1 <br />/ Eliminate Orange / Equal access to health care $2 / Free public transit $1 <br />County/Chapel Hill vehicle <br />' / Free public transit $2 / Non-discriminatory hiring <br />owner <br />s taxes $6 *** / Protect immigrant residents from labor practices $12 <br /> exploitation $1 / Non-discriminatory <br /> employment practices $18 <br />~~ CITI~~~R PIiYS1C_]LL]' &11'1 H;AI~ALL1' SAFE <br />C0~111~ \I"f1ES EN~'1ROS1~7F.'~'fAL.)L..S"I']CE <br />$13.00 $44.00 $84.00 <br />/ Education about civil rights and / Promote drug rehabilitation programs $6 / Preserve & Conserve open <br />responsibilities $7 space $18 <br />/ Take money from the rich and / Promote recycling programs <br />give to the poor $6 $31 <br /> / Promote water management <br /> $21 <br />***Why? =Planning & infrastructure of county and city make it nearly impossible not to own a vehicle. Vehicle ownership <br />also tied to employment allowing people to contribute to society and pay other taxes. <br />32 <br />OR4JVGE CDUNTYSOCIAZ TUSTICE GO.9i Appendix B <br />