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24 <br />HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING <br />January 09, 2006 <br />2l Residents Participated <br />- ---- -~ <br />CIVIC P~iItTICIPAT'I()'~ 1 ECONOMIC SELF SEIFFICIENC'r E1.IMINA'TION OF OPPRESSlO~ ~ <br />~ _ <br />i- <br />--- - - $2~ ---- - --$39- - -~- $49 --- <br />_ - - <br />~-0113[•,12 PHlti1CALl.I'.X 1111.;~i 11.L1 SAFE E1\'IRO\11EM1I':~LJUS'rICE <br />C[)A7~'111~ ll'IJ ES <br />$34 $27 <br />Specific Issues & Amounts <br />/ $1 Countywide internship/apprenticeship programs <br />/ $1 Fair and equitable representation of all residents <br />/ $3 Time and place for residents -particularly communities of color, disabled, lower income -to discuss concerns with <br />elected officials <br />/ $2 Preserve and conserve open. space and park space <br />/ $3 Promote recycling programs <br />/ $3 Promote solid waste and toxic waste management programs <br />/ $3 Promote air quality and water quality programs <br />/ $16 Place new development in targeted areas <br />/ $3 Includelincrease violence prevention programs in the school curriculum <br />/ $5 Create safe havens (shelters) for individuals in abusive (sexual physical) relationships <br />/ $8 Strengthen minimal housing standards like requiring indoor plumbing and air conditioning <br />/ $8 Promote drug/rehabilitation programs <br />/ $12 Eliminate gang activity <br />/ $22 Strengthen and enforce hate crime laws <br />/ $2 Free public transportation <br />/ $3 Affordable housing <br />/ $4 Equal access to education, healthcare, employment opportunities (regardless of gender, race, physical disability, <br />religion, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.) <br />/ $3 Include/increase world foundation programs that promote creationist viewpoints and give historically and <br />scientifically accurate evidence discovered in the past 20 years that clearly refutes evolutionist theory in the school <br />cumculum <br />One resident wrote (paraphrased): I support the practices listed under Elimination of Oppression but would not want my tax <br />dollars spent in these two areas: the elimination of barriers to adoption due to sexual orientation of potential parents and <br />marriage equality for all. I would strongly oppose these two areas. <br />OR.INGE COIe7VTY SOCIAL JUSTICE GOAL <br />