Orange County NC Website
HILLSBOROUGH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST <br />November 12, 2005 <br />40 Residents Participated <br />---CI~'ICPAR7TCII'?iTIflN ECONO&IICSELFSUFFICIENt_'] - ELIAIIIVATIONOFOPFRESSION <br />$67.00 $110.00 $154.00 <br />/ Develop ways to increase public / Affordable Housing / More attention paid to <br />support and input. $26 disabled students with <br />$11 / Equal access to education and employment learning disabilities in the <br /> opportunities school system <br /> $38 $13 <br />-- <br />OTHER - <br />FH]SIC'9Ld_1' & 191;ti'T;1LL]' S:]FE <br />C01L~1Uti fT1ES <br />E\]"1K01MEtiT,~T_ 3LSTICE <br />$5.00 $90.00 $94.00 <br />/ Mental Health / Eliminate gang activity / Protect wildlife <br />$3 $19 $13 <br />/ Countywide internship & / Increase money for mental illness / Preserve open space <br />apprentice-ship programs $13 $16 <br />$2 / Create safe havens / Air & water quality programs <br /> $3 $23 <br /> / Strengthen & enforce hate crimes laws <br /> $25 <br />COMMENTS: <br />1. I think the County is over-reaching and should adopt less ambitious goals that can be achieved and funded. <br />2. Well, this is a good way to spend money. <br />3. This is hard. <br />4. All of them need some attention don't they? <br />5. It's hard to calculate since every bill is meaningful. I'm finding it hard to do. <br />6. I'm glad that they (BOCC) are asking for input from the people. <br />17 <br />OR:~iNGE CO UI~rTF SOCL4L JUSTICE GOAL <br />