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- ~} <br />~'~ a <br />Mr. Mehler said earlier information was incorrect and he cited a letter dated <br />June 30, 19$2, in which new calculations were submitted. by Mr. Matthews. He noted <br />'that he.had referred.~to a company out of Wilmington, N.C. and Columbia, S.C. which <br />primarily deals only with general aviation airports and the company said there - <br />would be 1.3 vehicles per landing and takeoff. Mr. Mehler noted that despite the..:.: <br />discrepancy in the projected figures, Buck Mountian, is projecting in phase one, <br />156 vehicles per day; phase 2, 312 vehicles per day; and phase three 487 vehicles <br />per day; he said that was less than a 10% increase in vehicular traffic. Ne <br />said that no one really knows how many flights will come out of this airport nor <br />how many vehicles will be generated by the airport. <br />Mr. Kizer: Asked if flights at Midway would he restricted; explaining to <br />Mr. Mehler, restrict operations of aircraft... And Mr. Kizer wondered, why the - <br />developers had chosen the "figure of 500 for HWA which is a restricted airport; <br />for example, if you are using a true range and you use the range of about 1700 <br />which occurs at one airport; if you use the maximum range one would find that you <br />could generate about 2200 trips per day." Mr. Kizer contends that this would <br />increase by about 50% the highway traffic. <br />Mr. Mehler:. Replied that he had deferred to Mr. Bruce Matthews' expertise <br />in this field. He felt that the 500 figure was a conservative one but a reasot~~ble <br />one; he added that the transient air traffic would not increase "five fold:" <br />Mr. Kizer: Asked if Mr. Mehler agreed that the figure cited was a conservative <br />one: <br />Mr. Mehler: Cited the Raleigh/durham Airport experience and said the figures <br />cited far Midway are "so high, in fact, that•they are almost ridiculous." But, he <br />continued, they are Mr. Matthews'.and he is the best source around. "The reason <br />that 1 think they are ridiculous is that at the maximum development, the number of <br />flights coming into this airpart...projected at that many per vehicle, would have <br />a very high...higher than any other of its size. in this area." <br />Mr. Kizer: Asked Mr. Mehler if he had recalculated the NEF contours based on <br />the new, larger "amounts of operation." Mr. Mehler responded that those new NEFs <br />were based on the higher numbers of operations. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson: Asked if Mr. Mehler could give the examples of. <br />private airports he had used a.s models while working on Midway, which were locate+~ <br />~.on the Eastern Seaboard, the Midwest or North Carolina. <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />