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~i <br />~~/yv~pl <br />Bruce E. Mat:'ci~ews - <br />Airpart. Development <br />Mr. Cannity continued his presentation by adding that Highway 54 currently <br />nos about 5,000 vehicular trips per day. <br />Mr. Cannity said this Special Use Permit Project is essentially the same -- <br />~,roposal that was previously submitted /March 8, 1982, Public Hearing]. Mr. <br />annity said Planning Staff's recommendation is the same. Mr. Cannity intro- <br />duced the Planning Qepartment's work on the Special Use Permit Request asyout- <br />fined in the findings of fact-and cited pa.rtieularly those pages (~ ~q=~l/V in <br />his book) which cited FAA circulars and airport design manuals (the findings <br />f fact are on pages ~~'~/!~_of_this book);-_Staff recommended conditions are <br />found on pagesJr/o'~~v y~of this book, as introduced by Mr. Cannity. He added one <br />(further recommended condition: <br />Airport construction will be started within one year of final approval <br />and all construction will be completed within two years of its initiation. <br />Phase one will be complete '9U days after completion of the runway. Phase <br />two will be started within 6 months after the start of construction of _ <br />Phase one. Phase three will be completed within two years of the completion <br />of Phase two. <br />Mr. Cannity noted an error in the title of a diagram found on page ~/~ of ' <br />this hook; the title should be Approach Departure Zone Dimensions. <br />P}anning Board member Kizer: Asked if HWA was a restricted. airport with <br />regard to the number of planes based there and if so, was it reasonable of Mr. <br />Matthews to base the annual operations figures for the Midway Airport on those <br />for HWA? <br />Mr. Cannity: Replied that HWA was restricted and he deferred to Mr. Matthews' <br /> this "particular case." <br />Mr. Cannity presented a letter and Resolution from the Town of Chapel Hill <br />Far the record of this public hearing at the request `of that governmental unit. <br />Commissioner Whitted announced that the letter was from Mayor Joseph Massif and <br />was dated January 12, 1982; attached to the letter were Resolutions on HWA and the <br />:+lidway Project as well as Mi'-iutes from the.-January 11, 1982, Town Council meeting. <br />(Copies of the letter, Resolutions and Minutes are found on pages J~/~- ~~' of <br />this book.) <br />j Mr. Kizer:.,Asked if Mr. 'Matthews was--€present tonight. Mr. Cannity respondet~ <br />i that Mr. Matthews was unable to attend this public hearing. <br />~ This concluded the Staff's <br />presentation. <br />cc: Mz. Fred riazzard, Suck zfountain Development: Co. . <br />Mr. Ii~ward Robinson, k'I~P. A~7-anba ADO <br />