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<br />1. <br />2. <br />3- <br />..154.. _ __.....,._.. __ - -- _ _ -- --- <br />~~~ <br />~• created to protect "private hamos:' and that Midway was a departure from that <br />5 original concept; it would require additional resources, training. Dr. Griggs <br />b• said the Fire Department wished to "go on record as notifying the Commissioners <br />7• that this would require a considerable elevation in" the Fire Department's <br />g• "capabilities." <br />9• Following this preamble, Dr. Griggs addressed specifics from Mr. Johnson's <br />10• letter., previously cited: 1) questionable water supply; 2) movement of the water; <br />11• 3) additional equipment needed; 4) for certain types of fires, specific to this <br />1~• project, mare than'wator would be needed, far example, foams, and the Fire Depart- <br />1 3• ment requests that Midway provide these additional supplies.and a place to store ' <br />14• them; 5) recommendations for safety; and, 6) need for an access road to the site <br />1 S• from Teer Road: /the details are spelled out in Mr. Johnson's letter.] <br />].6. Ms. Miriam Murdock, Bingham Township: Said that she hoped to convince <br />1 ~• the Commissioners of the inappropriateness of this location for an airport. <br />1 ~• She said while she was in sympathy with those who desired to close down HWA, there <br />19• were two differences between those residents of Bingham Township and those around <br />20• HWA: 1) "We were here before the airport;" and ,2) HWA has 50 spaces, while . <br />21• Midway plans for 276 hangared planes and unknown numbers of tie downs. She said <br />2 2• that they were not trying to move an existing airport that proceeded the building <br />23• of the homes and that most people had bought so that they could experience the <br />2~.• quiet unspoiled land without "planes" buzzing aver the children's heads. <br />25• She continued that the Township was "delighted" when the Zoning Ordinance <br />26. called for Bingham to be zoned Agricultural/Residential. She feels that there <br />~7o is "no more inappropriate place in Orange County" for an airport. She said that <br />~~~ the establishment of land reserved rural was important, especially since Chapel <br />29• Hill was expanding; she Hated that people would see the Midway Airport and equate <br />30. that with the HWA problem increased 50 times. She feels that demonstrates that <br />31• property values are not enhanced. <br />32• '. Ms. Murdock continued that traffic concerns were an issue; she feels that <br />33• a North-South highway would be needed in addition to Highway 54. She cited <br />3~1-• additional demands on taxpayers; she noted that those persons served by I-85 <br />35. 'would not be adequately served by Midway Airport; she cited a survey of pilots <br />.3~• which showed that fewer than 10% would relocate to a site on the Durham-Orange <br />37• boundary. She feels the potential for the failure of the project is too groat <br />3~. and that the County Commissioners may later have to approve the Airpark project <br />39. <br />