Minutes - 19820708
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19820708
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:m......~.~,_~. _._.._. <br />~, , <br />'. - <br />• ~ ~ [? <br />Mr. Hazard: "I don't know at this time." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson: "Do you have any numbers that you're playing with?" <br />Mr. Hazard: Said that he did have some he was "going over" but that labor, <br />tone and money costs fluctuate from day to day. He added that they know the <br />quantities required but without a permit they couldn't buy the stone. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson: "po you have some range?" <br />Mr. Hazard: "Yeah." He continued that since this wasn't a government project <br />osts could be lower and that the runway would be built for under one million dollars. <br />Commissioner Whitted: Asked what kind of instruments would be in place in <br />pnase one. <br />Mr. Hazard: "Oh, just what HWA has at~the present time." <br />Ms. Crawford: Asked just what HWA did have. <br />Mr. Hazard: Replied surveillance approach; and if money permits, a nan» <br />directional beacon because the costs were reasonable. Commissioner Whitted <br />asked if the beacon would be in phase one anal Mr. Hazard replied yes. <br />Commissioner Whitted: "I believe the tie down capacity for-phase one is <br />276; is that right?" <br />Mr. Hazard: 276 Is the total. <br />Commissioner Whitted: Asked if Mr. Hazard knew what his break even point was <br />for the airport on the number of based aircraft. <br />Mr. Hazard: Said he was unable to answer the question. He. feels that a <br />period of.twelve to eighteen months of "negative cash flow" is to be expected. <br />Ms. Crawford: Noted that she was confused explained that she thought there <br />were to be 276 hangared planes and any number of tie downs. <br />Mr. Hazard: "We've planned for 276 hangared aircraft." He cited the example <br />of a football game and said they would not tell pilots they couldn't come in because <br />they had committed to a specific number. <br />Ms. Crawford: Asked if Mr. Hazard agreed with the common percentages of <br />20-40% of total aircraft being hangared aircraft. <br />Mr. Hazard: "I hope that we do a better job than that." He noted that hangaring <br />was advantageous tv the aircraft owner because of reduced insurance rates and that <br />"we will try to get all that he saves:" <br />Ms. Crawford: Asked if Mr. Hazard could give the dimensions of one of the <br />I <br />hangars that would house thirteen units. <br />~, Mr. Hazard: "No, I can't." He added that Mr. Mehler could provide the infor- <br />I~ motion. <br />
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