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the County Attorney suggested ways to solve the maintenance problem of the road. <br /> Commissioner Walker approve the Planning Board's recommendation to <br /> i <br /> approve the subdivision as redrawn and with the stipulation that the road meet <br /> County minimum road stands. Motion died for lack of a second. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner, Marshall, to approve <br /> i <br /> the Preliminary Plan for the James Bennett Property, with the stipulation that <br /> a satisfactory maintenance agreement for the upkeep of the road be signed by <br /> the Town of Hillsborough' Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 14.b. Sedgefield Subdivision Preliminary Plat Revision:- Commissioner Walker <br /> moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to approve the Planning Board's recom- <br /> mendation to approve the revised preliminary plat for Sedgefield Subdivision, <br /> Sections 4 and 7 with the stipulation that the Recreation area, which has not <br /> been approved by the Health Department, be either combined or listed properly on <br /> the final plat. Vote: Ayes,. 4; noes; 0. <br /> 14.c. Tommy Merritt Rezoning Request: Commissioner Walker moved, seconded <br /> by Commissioner Marshall, to approve-the rezoning request from Residential-1 to <br /> Neighborhood Commercial-II at the interection of of US 70 and St. Mary's Road. <br /> _ Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, .0. <br /> 14.d. Paul Kempa Rezoning Request: (Intersection of US 70 and Palmer's <br /> Grove Road) Mr. Cannity noted the Planning Staff had reservations regarding the <br /> safety of this intersection. Mr. Michael Parker, Attorney for Mr. Kempa, said <br /> there had been no fatal accidents in the past three years at that intersection and <br /> within that time frame there had been only one serious accident there. He added <br /> that, next to the intersection of US 70'with Lawrence Road, it was the second <br /> safest interection along that stretch of 70. He said there was no use for the <br /> site if it were not rezoned commercial since the site wouldn't perk. <br /> Commissioner Walker moved to approve the Planning Board's recommendation <br /> that the rezoning request be approved. Motion died for lack of a second. <br /> Commissioners Willhoit and Marshall voiced concerns over approving a rezoning <br /> for commercial development without a specific commercial plan on file; additionally, <br /> they felt with such a large tract of land to be rezoned, this rezoning process <br /> did not provide enough "checks" on the solving of "serious. problems by the owner. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to table this <br /> rezoning request until the next meeting and that Planning Staff explore the impli- <br /> cations of the request on the Land Use Plan for this area. Vote: Ayes, 3 (Com- <br /> missioners Gustaveson, Marshall and Willhoit); noes, 1 (Commissioner Walker). <br />