Minutes - 19820628
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19820628
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4/3/2017 2:45:49 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:34:39 PM
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Agenda - 06-28-1982
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1980's\1982
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School.System." He said the increase in current expense, less than 3%,.- was <br /> i <br /> sufficient although not as much as they would have liked and given inflation <br /> dollars it was even less than received previously but "we're gonna live with <br /> that." However, on the capital appropriation, while funded at a level higher <br /> than that of the previous year, the needs were greater and had built up over <br /> the years. Mr. Schwartz said this was a "catch up budget." He continued <br /> i saying that although the $476,000 was a jump up over the average of $300,000 <br /> appropriated for capital each year since 1977; "but it's not sufficient to <br /> cover what are the absolute minimum essential needs in the school budget." <br /> Mr. Schwartz said that prior to the School Budget Fiscal Act in 1965 it was <br /> the responsibility of the local government to maintain the school plants while <br /> the Federal and State governments took care of programs. Mr. Schwartz read <br /> sections of the "old law" to emphasize his point; he said it was the duty <br /> of the County Commissioners, "to.;supplement these funds /when funds are not <br /> appropriated in sufficient amounts to maintain the physical plants of the <br /> schools] by the tax levy," according to this old Statute which was updated. <br /> in 1975 to "recognize more duties and more responsibilities" for local funding. <br /> Mr. Schwartz emphasized that "first and foremost the local priority is to <br /> maintain the physical plant and that investment." <br /> Mr. Schwartz continued that the question here was not so much of whether . <br /> the needs existed but where the money would be found to meet those needs. He <br /> said "the old Taw says 'You shall supplement funds' with a supplemental tax levy <br /> if necessary to maintain those buildings. And we.'re not necessarily here to ask <br /> you for a tax levy that's your responsibility and your duty and your perogative. <br /> ...We're here to ask you for more money." Mr. Schwartz said the roofing consultant <br /> for the County schools,;kMr. Bill May, was present today. Mr. Schwartz said he <br /> had been on the Stanford roof this morning and he passed around a piece of gypsum <br /> which he said was moist and had been removed this morning. He passed the gypsum <br /> around to substantiate his assertion that reshingling "would be a waste of money" <br /> because it doesn't "address what's going on underneath that roof." Mr. Schwartz <br /> referred to the Orange County General Fund Expenditures by Category and cited <br /> the percentage of the County revenues collected for each year since 1974-75 to <br /> 1982-83 which was allocated to the schools'. He asserted that over the past <br /> seven years there was a 19% decrease of County funds allocated to the County <br /> schools. <br />
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