Orange County NC Website
3. Be responsible for the investigation of all reported animal <br />bites, for the quarantine of, any dog or cat exposed to or <br />suspected of having rabies, for a period of not less than ten <br />(10) days, and for reporting to the Health Director as soon as <br />practicable the occurrence of any such animal bite and the <br />condition of any quarantined animal. <br />4. Be responsible for the investigation of reports or observations <br />of incidents of harassment of or injuries to domesticated <br />livestock caused by animals. <br />5. Be responsible for the seizure and arranging for the impoundment, <br />where deemed necessary, of any dog or other animal in Orange <br />County involved in a violation of this or any other County <br />ordinance or state law. <br />6. Investigate cruelty or abuse with regard to animals independently <br />or with a duly appointed Animal Cruelty Investigator. <br />7. Make such investigations or inquiries as necessary for the <br />purpose of ascertaining compliance with this ordinance or <br />applicable state statute. <br />8. Keep, or cause to be kept, accurate and detailed records of: <br />(a) Seizure, impoundment, and disposition of all animals coming <br />into the custody of the animal control program. <br />(b) Bite cases, violations and complaints, and investigation of <br />same, including names and addresses of persons bitten, date, <br />circumstances, and breed. <br />(c) Any other matters deemed necessary by the Animal Control <br />Director. <br />9. Be empowered to issue citations or notices of violation of this <br />ordinance in such form as the Animal Control Director may <br />prescribe. <br />10. Have employees who are trained to standards to be established by <br />the Animal Control Director, which training shall include, but <br />not be limited to, training in animal first aid taught by a <br />licensed veterinarian. <br />F. The premises for all Animal Shelters operated by or for the County <br />shall meet the standards prescribed for commercial (Class II) kennels <br />set out in Section XIX(A) of this ordinance. <br />9 <br />